
From FFXI Wiki

Requiems are songs that bestow a light-based Damage Over Time effect upon an enemy. Requiems are useful as a DoT effect because they will continuously overwrite themselves, extending duration further. This is useful when you need to keep a DoT effect on a monster and want to prevent it from gaining HP while unclaimed (potentially due to a party wipe). Requiem used to be notoriously inaccurate on mostly every high level monster, but it was adjusted and now has the same reliability to land as other bard debuffs.

  • Every Requiem +1 (past the first, unlike other songs) given through equipment increases song duration by 10% and damage potency by an additional 1 HP per tick.
    • The maximum Requiem bonus available from equipment is +7.
  • There appears to be a minimum and maximum duration of Requiem, but at least one tester has been unable to find any real relationship between resist state and debuff duration for it. It may be similar to most Enfeebling Magic in that it doesn't have a constant duration. Regardless, it lasts about 1-2 minutes with no equipment bonuses.
  • Job Points Potency can be increased up to 20 levels for a maximum of +60 DoT to every tier applied after the percentage bonus from +song. The tables below do not reflect this potential bonus.
  • Soul Voice Icon.png Soul Voice doubles the potency of this type of song.
  • Marcato Icon.png Marcato's effect on this type of song increases potency by 50%.
    • In the case of Foe Requiem VII: This results in a DoT of 81 HP/tick with +7 in Equipment Modifiers and 20/20 Job Points.
  • Useless information: Requiem is the only "Tier 7" spell that players are able to cast.

Skill Caps per Spell
Spell Skill Cap Potency Cap
Foe Requiem < 900 Skill 2 DoT
Foe Requiem II < 900 Skill 3 DoT
Foe Requiem III < 900 Skill 4 DoT
Foe Requiem IV < 900 Skill 5 DoT
Foe Requiem V < 900 Skill 6 DoT
Foe Requiem VI < 900 Skill 7 DoT
Foe Requiem VII < 900 Skill 8 DoT

Equipment Modifiers


GjallarhornGjallarhorn (Level 99) description.png Song +2~4
Requiem FluteRequiem Flute description.png Song +4
Shofar +1Shofar +1 description.png Song +3
LinosLinos description.png AugRank.png Song +1~3
Nibiru HarpNibiru Harp description.png AugRank.png Song +2
Blurred Harp +1Blurred Harp +1 description.png Song +2
Eminent FluteEminent Flute description.png Song +2
Hamelin FluteHamelin Flute description.png Song +2
ShofarShofar description.png Song +2
Siren FluteSiren Flute description.png Song +2
Blurred HarpBlurred Harp description.png Song +1
Flute +2Flute +2 description.png Song +1
Flute +1Flute +1 description.png Song +1
Millennium HornMillennium Horn description.png In Dynamis: Song +2
Homestead FluteHomestead Flute description.png In Reives: Song +2
Forefront FluteForefront Flute description.png In Reives: Song +2


Moonbow Whistle +1Mnbw. Whistle +1 description.png Song +3
Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png Song +2
Brioso WhistleBrioso Whistle description.png Song +1

Song Potency per Bonus

Foe Requiem

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Foe Requiem II

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Foe Requiem III

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Foe Requiem IV

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Foe Requiem V

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Foe Requiem VI

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Foe Requiem VII

Requiem Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Element: Light DoT 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Related Links

Damage Over Time

Pages in category "Requiem"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.