Central Temenos - 4th Floor

From FFXI Wiki
Central Temenos - 4th Floor
 Accessed From:  Holla Crag Dimensional Portal => Al'Taieu (H-4)
 Required to Access:
 Reward for Win:

Chance for:

Two of the following:

Limbus Zone Overview
  • Proto-Ultima must be defeated in order to win this Limbus.
  • Time limit is 60 minutes.
  • Chips traded are expended. The chips no longer stay in your inventory after trade.

Limbus Zone Notes
  • Chests
    • There are three sets of chests. When one is opened from a set, the others from that set will disappear.
    • One set covers all chests on the west side of the map, another set covers the east side, and the last set is the central chest.
    • Each set has a chance of being an item chest filled with 3-7 Ancient Beastcoins & 2 artifact+1 materials or a monster.
    • If a monster spawns, it will be from one of the 3 types of monsters found in preceding Temenos floors: Beasts, Beastmen King, or a Mystic Avatar.
    • Vana'diel Beastmen Kings and Mystic Avatar both use corresponding 2hr moves.
    • Once Proto-Ultima is engaged, all chests will disappear.
  • Proto-Ultima goes into five stages over the course of the fight, broken down into 20% segments.
    • Note: Each stage can use all TP moves from the preceding stages.
  • Stage 1
    • Draw In
    • Antimatter - Magical light based single target attack. ~1000 Damage.
    • Wire Cutter - Physical single target attack. Absorbed by two shadows. ~800 Damage.
    • Chemical Bomb - Conical Slow II and Massacre Elegy.
  • Stage 2
    • Nuclear Waste - Lowers all elemental resistances.
    • Hydro Canon - Conical water damage and poison. ~600 damage.
    • Turbofan - Conical wind damage and silence. ~600 damage.
    • Smoke Discharge - Conical earth damage and petrify. ~600 damage.
    • Flame Thrower - Conical fire damage and plague. ~600 damage.
    • Cyrojet - Conical ice damage and paralyze. ~600 damage.
    • High-Tension Discharge - Conical thunder damage and stun. ~600 damage.
  • Stage 3
    • Holy 2 - Magical single target spell on a random target. ~600 damage.
    • Equalizer - Physical AoE knock back attack. ~700 damage.
  • Stage 4
    • Energy Screen - 100% Physical damage resistance.
    • Mana Screen - 100% Magical damage resistance.
    • Armor Buster - Physical AoE damage and gravity. Can be absorbed by shadows. ~700 damage.
  • Stage 5
    • Citadel Buster
      • Very high light based magic damage, 30' AoE. ~1000-2200 damage.
      • Takes 30 seconds to charge and will not attack during that time.
      • When the attack has started a 30... will appear in log and it will then count down to 0.
      • Will consistantly Draw-In the character with the most hate. Targetted character can change during countdown.
      • It is suggested when the countdown begins, you have someone (hopefully that can gain the most hate and can take the damage) remain while others run out of the room.
  • Upon defeating Proto-Ultima, a final chest will appear in the center of the room to complete the area with rewards.
Limbus Area Map