Thief / Red Mage
Stun, Enwater, Cure I - IV
Weapon Skills
Bomb Toss (AoE) / , Goblin Rush /
- Trade the Cipher: Fablinix item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses MP+250%.
- Occasionally uses his crossbow in addition to dagger melee attacks. The long ranged attack delay can cause him to miss Stun opportunities.
- Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
- Uses Cure spells on party members in orange HP (<50%) or asleep, with higher priority for the tank (<75%).
- Holds up to 1500 TP in order to close skillchains.
- Fablinix's high MP pool and access to Stun at the BLM level (lv.42) may give the impression that he is a BLM or has multiple main jobs. However, if you use him in area with subjob restrictions he will have 0 MP. If you give him at least +8MP through AoE Food (before applying his +350%) or by raising your item level, he will still be able to cast Stun but none of the other spells. He might have a different version of Stun than players, which may explain reports of his Stun recast being shorter.