Lion II
Thief / Ninja
Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni
Weapon Skills
Walk the Plank / , Pirate Pummel / , Powder Keg / , Grapeshot /
- Trade the Cipher: Lion II item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses THF/NIN traits such as Treasure Hunter I, Gilfinder, and Triple Attack
- Lion II's weaponskills are single target versions of Lion's weaponskills, with the same name and animation.
- Holds up to 3000 TP to try to close skillchains.
- Walk the Plank - Damage, bind, knock back, and dispel.
- Pirate Pummel - Damage and burn effect.
- Powder Keg - Damage, knock back, defense down, and magic defense down.
- Grape Shot - Damage and stun effect.