Cipher: Noillurie

From FFXI Wiki
10131 icon.png Cipher of Noillurie's alter ego
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A scroll inscribed with strange symbols that seal away the puissance of an Elvaan named Noillurie. Chanting the enigmatic script summons her alter ego to the bearer's side.
Image: 10131 description.png
Type: Item
Flags: NoSale, Ex, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Cipher: Noillurie on FFXIAH" "Find Cipher: Noillurie on FFXIDB"
Noillurie trust.jpg

Samurai / Paladin


Cure I - IV


Hasso, Third Eye, Meditate, Sekkanoki

Weapon Skills

Tachi: Jinpu Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Yukikaze Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Gekko Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kasha Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kaiten Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
Trust Synergy
  • Excellent skillchain partner with Iroha II due to her frequency in opening Light skillchains with Tachi: Kaiten.