Thief / Ninja
Bully, Sneak Attack, Assassin's Charge
Weapon Skills
Lock and Load / , Shockstorm Edge (AoE) / , Iniquitous Stab / , Choreographed Carnage /
- Trade the Cipher: Aldo item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses THF/NIN traits, limited to Treasure Hunter I.
- Holds up to 2000 TP in order to close skillchains. If he's not able to close a skillchain, will use Assassin's Charge in combination with the WS.
- Can be made to spam Shockstorm Edge (to close) by opening with a Weapon Skill that leaves no alternative (like Cyclone)
- Lock and Load is a marksmanship weapon skill, which Aldo seems to have a lower proficiency in since this weapon skill misses more often than others.
- Uses Sneak Attack regardless of positioning and does not try to combine it with weapon skills.
- Will use Bully before Sneak Attack (to remove the directional requirement on Sneak Attack), so try readying a skillchain when you see Aldo use Bully.
- Sneak Attack does not work on ranged or magic weapon skills.
- Gains TP quickly with Dual Wield and Triple Attack trait: 50 TP/hit x2.
Trust Synergy
- Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
- Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
- Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
- Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.