
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Thief
Type Level  
Level Obtained 87
Description Enhances accuracy and "Subtle Blow" effect for party members within area of effect. Does not affect the party member being targeted by the enemy.
Duration 00:01:00
Range 14' Radius
Recast 00:05:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 80
Command /ja "Conspirator" <me> 
Job Points
Category Conspirator Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase physical accuracy by 1.


  • Grants an amount of Subtle Blow and Accuracy that scales with the number of entities (including pets and trusts) on the enemy hate list.
  • Job Points for Conspirator Effect grant up to 20 additional Accuracy for Conspirator and applies to party members.
  • The bonus may not be seen on /checkparam as it is calculated at the moment of attack.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Raider's Vest +1 icon.png Raider's Vest +1 Grants an attack bonus equal to the accuracy bonus.
Raider's Vest +2 icon.png Raider's Vest +2 Grants an attack bonus equal to the accuracy bonus.
Skulker's Vest icon.png Skulker's Vest Grants an attack bonus equal to the accuracy bonus.
Skulker's Vest +1 icon.png Skulker's Vest +1 Grants an attack bonus equal to the accuracy bonus.
Skulker's Vest +2 icon.png Skulker's Vest +2 Grants an attack bonus equal to the accuracy bonus.
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.png Skulker's Vest +3 Grants an attack bonus equal to the accuracy bonus.
