Deed Token +2: Hands

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Deed Token +2: Hands

Key Item.png Deed Token +2: Hands
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Type Description
Temporary Key Items A voucher given to adventurers who have received a certain number of Deeds of Heroism through Records of Eminence. Exchangeable for an item level 119 (reforged once) relic handgear of your choosing.
Obtained from...
Name Zone Notes
A.M.A.N. Validator Southern San d'Oria (G-10)
Bastok Markets (E-11)
Windurst Woods (J-10)
Can be obtained after earning 830 Deeds of Heroism.
Used for...
Type of Event Name
Used to obtain Reforged Relic Armor +2 Exchangeable at an A.M.A.N. Validator for an item level 119 +2 relic handgear of your choosing.
Key Item.png Possible Reward Redemption Key Item.png
Agoge Mufflers +2 icon.png Agoge Mufflers +2Agoge Mufflers +2 description.png Hes. Gloves +2 icon.png Hesychast's Gloves +2Hes. Gloves +2 description.png Piety Mitts +2 icon.png Piety Mitts +2Piety Mitts +2 description.png
Arch. Gloves +2 icon.png Archmage's Gloves +2Arch. Gloves +2 description.png Viti. Gloves +2 icon.png Vitiation Gloves +2Viti. Gloves +2 description.png Plun. Armlets +2 icon.png Plunderer's Armlets +2Plun. Armlets +2 description.png
Cab. Gauntlets +2 icon.png Caballarius Gauntlets +2Cab. Gauntlets +2 description.png Fall. Fin. Gaunt. +2 icon.png Fallen's Finger Gauntlets +2Fall. Fin. Gaunt. +2 description.png Ankusa Gloves +2 icon.png Ankusa Gloves +2Ankusa Gloves +2 description.png
Bihu Cuffs +2 icon.png Bihu Cuffs +2Bihu Cuffs +2 description.png Arc. Bracers +2 icon.png Arcadian Bracers +2Arc. Bracers +2 description.png Sakonji Kote +2 icon.png Sakonji Kote +2Sakonji Kote +2 description.png
Mochizuki Tekko +2 icon.png Mochizuki Tekko +2Mochizuki Tekko +2 description.png Ptero. Fin. G. +2 icon.png Pteroslaver Finger Gauntlets +2Ptero. Fin. G. +2 description.png Glyphic Bracers +2 icon.png Glyphic Bracers +2Glyphic Bracers +2 description.png
Luh. Bazubands +2 icon.png Luhlaza Bazubands +2Luh. Bazubands +2 description.png Lanun Gants +2 icon.png Lanun Gants +2Lanun Gants +2 description.png Pitre Dastanas +2 icon.png Pitre Dastanas +2Pitre Dastanas +2 description.png
Horos Bangles +2 icon.png Horos Bangles +2Horos Bangles +2 description.png Peda. Bracers +2 icon.png Pedagogy Bracers +2Peda. Bracers +2 description.png
Bagua Mitaines +2 icon.png Bagua Mitaines +2Bagua Mitaines +2 description.png Futhark Mitons +2 icon.png Futhark Mitons +2Futhark Mitons +2 description.png