Deed Voucher +2: Feet

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Deed Voucher +2: Feet

Key Item.png Deed Voucher +2: Feet
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Type Description
Temporary Key Items A voucher given to adventurers who have received a certain number of Deeds of Heroism through Records of Eminence. Exchangeable for an item level 119 (reforged once) artifact footwear of your choosing.
Obtained from...
Name Zone Notes
A.M.A.N. Validator Southern San d'Oria (G-10)
Bastok Markets (E-11)
Windurst Woods (J-10)
Can be obtained after earning 310 Deeds of Heroism.
Used for...
Type of Event Name
Used to obtain Reforged Artifact Armor +2 Exchangeable at an A.M.A.N. Validator for an item level 119 +2 artifact footwear of your choosing.
Key Item.png Possible Reward Redemption Key Item.png
Pumm. Calligae +2 icon.png Pummeler's Calligae +2Pumm. Calligae +2 description.png Anch. Gaiters +2 icon.png Anchorite's Gaiters +2Anch. Gaiters +2 description.png Theo. Duckbills +2 icon.png Theophany Duckbills +2Theo. Duckbills +2 description.png
Spae. Sabots +2 icon.png Spaekona's Sabots +2Spae. Sabots +2 description.png Atro. Boots +2 icon.png Atrophy Boots +2Atro. Boots +2 description.png Pill. Poulaines +2 icon.png Pillager's Poulaines +2Pill. Poulaines +2 description.png
Rev. Leggings +2 icon.png Reverence Leggings +2Rev. Leggings +2 description.png Ig. Sollerets +2 icon.png Ignominy Sollerets +2Ig. Sollerets +2 description.png Tot. Gaiters +2 icon.png Totemic Gaiters +2Tot. Gaiters +2 description.png
Brioso Slippers +2 icon.png Brioso Slippers +2Brioso Slippers +2 description.png Orion Socks +2 icon.png Orion Socks +2Orion Socks +2 description.png Wakido Sune. +2 icon.png Wakido Sune-Ate +2Wakido Sune. +2 description.png
Hachiya Kyahan +2 icon.png Hachiya Kyahan +2Hachiya Kyahan +2 description.png Vishap Greaves +2 icon.png Vishap Greaves +2Vishap Greaves +2 description.png Convo. Pigaches +2 icon.png Convoker's Pigaches +2Convo. Pigaches +2 description.png
Assim. Charuqs +2 icon.png Assimilator's Charuqs +2Assim. Charuqs +2 description.png Laksa. Bottes +2 icon.png Laksamana's Bottes +2Laksa. Bottes +2 description.png Foire Babouches +2 icon.png Foire Babouches +2Foire Babouches +2 description.png
Maxixi Toeshoes +2 icon.png Maxixi Toeshoes +2Maxixi Toeshoes +2 description.png Acad. Loafers +2 icon.png Academic's Loafers +2Acad. Loafers +2 description.png
Geo. Sandals +2 icon.png Geomancy Sandals +2Geo. Sandals +2 description.png Runeist's Bottes +2 icon.png Runeist's Bottes +2Runeist's Bottes +2 description.png