Demolition Duty

From FFXI Wiki

Ilrusi Atoll
Demolition Duty
 Staging Point:  Ilrusi Atoll
 Start NPC: Bhoy Yhupplo in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9/L-10)
 Assault Rank: Lance Corporal
 Objective: A confidential report states that corsairs are secretly collecting the remains of shipwrecks on the Ilrusi Atoll. Use the automaton issued to you by the on-site engineer to demolish these shipwrecks.
 Mission Orders: Demolish the shipwrecks
 Time Limit:  30 minutes  Recommended Lv.  Lvl. 50
 Assault Points:
  • 1 Member: 1000
  • 2 Members: 1000
  • 3 Members: 1000
  • 4 Members: 900
  • 5 Members: 800
  • 6 Members: 700


Level Name Zone Aggro Link Drops Steal Spawns
? Carrion Crab Ilrusi Atoll Sound No None
T Imp Ilrusi Atoll Yes No


None 10


  • Crabs will always have hate on the automaton.


The goal of this assault is to use an Automaton to destroy shipwrecks scattered about the area.

  • There are five ship wrecks. See the map for more details.
  • To be assigned an automaton, talk to the starting NPC.
    • The party can only have one automaton.
    • The person who talks to the starting NPC will be designated the automaton's master.
  • The automaton will follow its master around until it finds wreckage to demolish.
  • Only the automaton can attack the wreckage. However, you can use AoE abilities and spells on targets near adjacent wreckage to cause damage to the wreckage.
  • Each time the automaton uses a weaponskill on a wreckage, a Carrion Crab will spawn and attack the automaton.
    • The crab cannot be distracted from the automaton. However, the automaton can be cured and crabs only have about 2000 hp.
  • If the automaton is killed or despawns due to its master dying, a new one can be obtained by talking to the start NPC again.
  • If the automaton is damaged, the party can opt to repair the automaton at the start NPC.
  • After the wreckages are demolished, talk to the starting NPC to spawn the Rune of Release

  • Fastest way to complete is to just pull imps and do AOE damage such as -ga or -ja spells. Don't even need the automation alive but you do need to talk to the starter NPC first to start the assault which gives you a free one anyway.

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