
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Thief
Type Level  
Level Obtained 77
Description Steals items from an enemy while inflicting a status ailment upon it.
Range 4.4'
Recast 00:05:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 320
Command /ja "Despoil" <stnpc> 
Job Points
Category Despoil Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Steal 2% of target's TP.


  • Attempts to steal an item from the enemy, and if successful inflicts a status ailment on it for 90 seconds.
    • Enfeeble potency is -10% (25/256).
  • You may steal an item with Despoil as well as Steal on the same enemy.
  • Generally takes a different item than Steal, and inflicts one enfeeble based on the item stolen.
  • The "Despoil Effect" Job Point category for Thief adds a TP drain effect of 2% per point, for a maximum of 40% of the target's TP stolen.
    • This effect will work even if Despoil fails to steal an item. It does not return any TP if the target has none.
  • Unlike Steal, the items obtained do not change based on the zone or subspecies. Families share the same Despoil results.
    • There may potentially be some variations in Adoulin areas as Despoil items were not initially available and were added later in an update. Overall the items seem to be the same, but this requires testing.
      • Example: Despoiling Dragon Blood from Adoulin Bats, but confirmation is required on if this specific blood is universally able to be Despoiled. Information Needed.
    • Not all species have items that can be Despoiled. Evil Weapons, Elementals, etc have no Despoil results.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Barathrum icon.png Barathrum 99 Ammo Despoil success rate +3%
Raid. Culottes +1 icon.png Raider's Culottes +1 83 Legs Despoil success rate +3%
Raid. Culottes +2 icon.png Raider's Culottes +2 83 Legs Despoil success rate +5%
Skulker's Culottes icon.png Skulker's Culottes 99 Legs Despoil success rate +7%
Skulk. Culottes +1 icon.png Skulker's Culottes +1 99 Legs Despoil success rate +9%
Skulk. Culottes +2 icon.png Skulker's Culottes +2 99 Legs Despoil success rate +11%
Skulk. Culottes +3 icon.png Skulker's Culottes +3 99 Legs Despoil success rate +13%
Raid. Poulaines +1 icon.png Raider's Poulaines +1 81 Feet Enhances enfeeble potency by +2%.
Raid. Poulaines +2 icon.png Raider's Poulaines +2 81 Feet Enhances enfeeble potency by +4%.
Skulk. Poulaines icon.png Skulker's Poulaines 99 Feet Enhances enfeeble potency by +5%.
Skulk. Poulaines +1 icon.png Skulker's Poulaines +1 99 Feet Enhances enfeeble potency by +6%.
Skulk. Poulaines +2 icon.png Skulker's Poulaines +2 99 Feet Enhances enfeeble potency by +7%.
Skulk. Poulaines +3 icon.png Skulker's Poulaines +3 99 Feet Enhances enfeeble potency by +8%.
