Egg Hunt 2009: Open Season Coming Soon to Vana'diel! (04/03/2009)

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Egg Hunt 2009: Open Season Coming Soon to Vana'diel! (04/03/2009)


As spring ushers in longer days of bathing in the sun's rays, the return of vibrant colors to the wilderness, and itchy eyes and runny noses, we moogles fondly recollect the idyllic days spent incubating within the toasty warmth of our egg shells—a dreamy place where time flows by at a leisurely pace, kupo. Ah, how I long to return to that tranquil, untroubled period when a steadfast barrier of calcium carbonate stood between me and the trials and tribulations of the outside world...

Oh, uh...that's right, I'm supposed to be introducing the Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza! A-ahem! This year's edition of the event promises never before egg-sperienced levels of egg-based egg-joyment, kupo! Erhm...maybe I went a wee bit too far with that last pun...

But getting back to the yolk of the matter, in addition to the perennial egg puns that you've all come to know and adore, the event will boast a splendid selegg-tion of egg-stremely egg-citing prizes that is bound to leave even the hardest of all hard cases shell-shocked in their baskets!

Need some more egging on? Then proceed here!

The Egg Hunt event is set to begg-in on Thursday, April 9th, 2009 at 1:00 (PDT), and conclude on Monday, April 20th, 2009 at 1:00.