E. Animator II

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(Redirected from Eminent Animator II)
E. Animator II icon.png Eminent animator II
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A long-range animator crafted in secret by the A.M.A.N. It makes full use of technologies cultivated throughout Vana'diel. Automaton: Lv. 115
Image: E. Animator II description.png
Type: Weapon
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find E. Animator II on FFXIAH" "Find E. Animator II on FFXIDB"

Weapon Information
Races: All Races Skill: None
Damage: 0 Delay: 0
DPS: 0 TP/Hit:


Level: 99
Item Level: 115
Jobs: Puppetmaster

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Rolandienne Southern San d'Oria - (G-10) 7,000 Sparks
Isakoth Bastok Markets - (E-11) 7,000 Sparks
Fhelm Jobeizat Windurst Woods - (J-10) 7,000 Sparks
Eternal Flame Western Adoulin - (H-11) 7,000 Sparks

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Dealer Moogle Various Trade a Kupon W-EMI or Mog Kupon W-EMI
