Ranged Attack

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Similar to Attack, Ranged Attack depends on STR at the ratio of 1 Ranged Attack per 1 STR. This makes stacking STR all the more attractive, because of the favorable ranged fSTR function.

Ranged Attack = 8 + Combat Skill + STR

Combat Skill translates into Ranged Attack in differing skill tiers, similar to Attack, and likewise includes Item Level skill bonus for the skill total even though said iLv Skill is not shown in the Skills menu.

Ranged attack is one of the Derived Stats that is measurable via the /checkparam command in game.

Pet: Ranged Attack from Pet: STR

Pet's ranged attack derived from their STR is via a different conversion rate than a player's:

Ranged Attack = floor( STR × 0.5 )

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