Category:Empyrean Armor +1

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Empyrean Armor +1)
Artifact Armor
Original Reforged
Artifact · +1 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Relic Armor
Original Reforged
Relic · +1 · +2 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Empyrean Armor
Original Reforged
Empyrean · +1 · +2 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Empyrean armor.png

Empyrean Armor +1 is a category of armor and garb that is Empyrean Armor upgraded through the Trial of the Magians system to the first of two stages via the Magian Moogle with the blue puffball.
This page shows the items required to upgrade your Empyrean Armor to its +1 variant, using a certain number of set specific "seals".

This upgrade process does not increase the level of the Empyrean Armor.
It is instantaneous to complete this upgrade process.

NOTE: Geomancer and Rune Fencer lack traditional Empyrean Armor, instead are able to obtain Item Level 109 Reforged Empyrean Armor in a similar manner to the Artifact Armor quests and NPC crafting without the need of the actual reforging process, and only using the Item Level Reforging Process for further upgrades.
And like all other Reforged Empyrean Armor, they too come with a set bonus that was originally the signature boon of the Empyrean Armor +2.
As of the October 2017 update[1], Empyrean Armor now grants its set bonuses even if the pieces equipped are of differing Item Levels.


Ravager's Armor Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Ravager's Mask 4156: Ravager's Seal: Head x8 Ravager's Mask +1
Body 89 Ravager's Lorica 4336: Ravager's Seal: Body x10 Ravager's Lorica +1
Hands 87 Ravager's Mufflers 4316: Ravager's Seal: Hands x8 Ravager's Mufflers +1
Legs 83 Ravager's Cuisses 4176: Ravager's Seal: Legs x8 Ravager's Cuisses +1
Feet 81 Ravager's Calligae 4196: Ravager's Seal: Feet x8 Ravager's Calligae +1


Tantra Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Tantra Crown 4157: Tantra Seal: Head x8 Tantra Crown +1
Body 89 Tantra Cyclas 4337: Tantra Seal: Body x10 Tantra Cyclas +1
Hands 87 Tantra Gloves 4317: Tantra Seal: Hands x8 Tantra Gloves +1
Legs 83 Tantra Hose 4177: Tantra Seal: Legs x8 Tantra Hose +1
Feet 81 Tantra Gaiters 4197: Tantra Seal: Feet x8 Tantra Gaiters +1

White Mage

Orison Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Orison Cap 4158: Orison Seal: Head x8 Orison Cap +1
Body 89 Orison Bliaut 4338: Orison Seal: Body x10 Orison Bliaut +1
Hands 87 Orison Mitts 4318: Orison Seal: Hands x8 Orison Mitts +1
Legs 83 Orison Pantaloons 4178: Orison Seal: Legs x8 Orison Pantaloons +1
Feet 81 Orison Duckbills 4198: Orison Seal: Feet x8 Orison Duckbills +1

Black Mage

Goetia Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Goetia Petasos 4159: Goetia Seal: Head x8 Goetia Petasos +1
Body 89 Goetia Coat 4339: Goetia Seal: Body x10 Goetia Coat +1
Hands 87 Goetia Gloves 4319: Goetia Seal: Hands x8 Goetia Gloves +1
Legs 83 Goetia Chausses 4179: Goetia Seal: Legs x8 Goetia Chausses +1
Feet 81 Goetia Sabots 4199: Goetia Seal: Feet x8 Goetia Sabots +1

Red Mage

Estoqueur's Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Estoqueur's Chappel 4160: Estoqueur's Seal: Head x8 Estoqueur's Chappel +1
Body 89 Estoqueur's Sayon 4340: Estoqueur's Seal: Body x10 Estoqueur's Sayon +1
Hands 87 Estoqueur's Gantherots 4320: Estoqueur's Seal: Hands x8 Estoqueur's Gantherots +1
Legs 83 Estoqueur's Fuseau 4180: Estoqueur's Seal: Legs x8 Estoqueur's Fuseau +1
Feet 81 Estoqueur's Houseaux 4200: Estoqueur's Seal: Feet x8 Estoqueur's Houseaux +1


Raider's Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Raider's Bonnet 4161: Raider's Seal: Head x8 Raider's Bonnet +1
Body 89 Raider's Vest 4341: Raider's Seal: Body x10 Raider's Vest +1
Hands 87 Raider's Armlets 4321: Raider's Seal: Hands x8 Raider's Armlets +1
Legs 83 Raider's Culottes 4181: Raider's Seal: Legs x8 Raider's Culottes +1
Feet 81 Raider's Poulaines 4201: Raider's Seal: Feet x8 Raider's Poulaines +1


Creed Armor Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Creed Armet 4162: Creed Seal: Head x8 Creed Armet +1
Body 89 Creed Cuirass 4342: Creed Seal: Body x10 Creed Cuirass +1
Hands 87 Creed Gauntlets 4322: Creed Seal: Hands x8 Creed Gauntlets +1
Legs 83 Creed Cuisses 4182: Creed Seal: Legs x8 Creed Cuisses +1
Feet 81 Creed Sabatons 4202: Creed Seal: Feet x8 Creed Sabatons +1

Dark Knight

Bale Armor Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Bale Burgeonet 4163: Bale Seal: Head x8 Bale Burgeonet +1
Body 89 Bale Cuirass 4343: Bale Seal: Body x10 Bale Cuirass +1
Hands 87 Bale Gauntlets 4323: Bale Seal: Hands x8 Bale Gauntlets +1
Legs 83 Bale Flanchard 4183: Bale Seal: Legs x8 Bale Flanchard +1
Feet 81 Bale Sollerets 4203: Bale Seal: Feet x8 Bale Sollerets +1


Ferine Armor Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Ferine Cabasset 4164: Ferine Seal: Head x8 Ferine Cabasset +1
Body 89 Ferine Gausape 4344: Ferine Seal: Body x10 Ferine Gausape +1
Hands 87 Ferine Manoplas 4324: Ferine Seal: Hands x8 Ferine Manoplas +1
Legs 83 Ferine Quijotes 4364: Ferine Seal: Legs x8 Ferine Quijotes +1
Feet 81 Ferine Ocreae 4204: Ferine Seal: Feet x8 Ferine Ocreae +1


Aoidos' Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Aoidos' Calot 4165: Aoidos' Seal: Head x8 Aoidos' Calot +1
Body 89 Aoidos' Hongreline 4345: Aoidos' Seal: Body x10 Aoidos' Hongreline +1
Hands 87 Aoidos' Manchettes 4325: Aoidos' Seal: Hands x8 Aoidos' Manchettes +1
Legs 83 Aoidos' Rhingrave 4185: Aoidos' Seal: Legs x8 Aoidos' Rhingrave +1
Feet 81 Aoidos' Cothurnes 4205: Aoidos' Seal: Feet x8 Aoidos' Cothurnes +1


Sylvan Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Sylvan Gapette 4166: Sylvan Seal: Head x8 Sylvan Gapette +1
Body 89 Sylvan Caban 4346: Sylvan Seal: Body x10 Sylvan Caban +1
Hands 87 Sylvan Glovelettes 4326: Sylvan Seal: Hands x8 Sylvan Glovelettes +1
Legs 83 Sylvan Bragues 4186: Sylvan Seal: Legs x8 Sylvan Bragues +1
Feet 81 Sylvan Bottillons 4206: Sylvan Seal: Feet x8 Sylvan Bottillons +1


Unkai Armor Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Unkai Kabuto 4167: Unkai Seal: Head x8 Unkai Kabuto +1
Body 89 Unkai Domaru 4347: Unkai Seal: Body x10 Unkai Domaru +1
Hands 87 Unkai Kote 4327: Unkai Seal: Hands x8 Unkai Kote +1
Legs 83 Unkai Haidate 4187: Unkai Seal: Legs x8 Unkai Haidate +1
Feet 81 Unkai Sune-Ate 4207: Unkai Seal: Feet x8 Unkai Sune-Ate +1


Iga Garb Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Iga Zukin 4168: Iga Seal: Head x8 Iga Zukin +1
Body 89 Iga Ningi 4348: Iga Seal: Body x10 Iga Ningi +1
Hands 87 Iga Tekko 4328: Iga Seal: Hands x8 Iga Tekko +1
Legs 83 Iga Hakama 4188: Iga Seal: Legs x8 Iga Hakama +1
Feet 81 Iga Kyahan 4208: Iga Seal: Feet x8 Iga Kyahan +1


Lancer's Armor Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Lancer's Mezail 4169: Lancer's Seal: Head x8 Lancer's Mezail +1
Body 89 Lancer Plackart 4349: Lancer's Seal: Body x10 Lancer Plackart +1
Hands 87 Lancer Vambraces 4329: Lancer's Seal: Hands x8 Lancer Vambraces +1
Legs 83 Lancer's Cuissots 4189: Lancer's Seal: Legs x8 Lancer's Cuissots +1
Feet 81 Lancer's Schynbalds 4209: Lancer's Seal: Feet x8 Lancer's Schynbalds +1


Caller's Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Caller's Horn 4170: Caller's Seal: Head x8 Caller's Horn +1
Body 89 Caller's Doublet 4350: Caller's Seal: Body x10 Caller's Doublet +1
Hands 87 Caller's Bracers 4330: Caller's Seal: Hands x8 Caller's Bracers +1
Legs 83 Caller's Spats 4190: Caller's Seal: Legs x8 Caller's Spats +1
Feet 81 Caller's Pigaches 4210: Caller's Seal: Feet x8 Caller's Pigaches +1

Blue Mage

Mavi Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Mavi Kavuk 4171: Mavi Seal: Head x8 Mavi Kavuk +1
Body 89 Mavi Mintan 4351: Mavi Seal: Body x10 Mavi Mintan +1
Hands 87 Mavi Bazuband 4331: Mavi Seal: Hands x8 Mavi Bazuband +1
Legs 83 Mavi Tayt 4191: Mavi Seal: Legs x8 Mavi Tayt +1
Feet 81 Mavi Basmak 4211: Mavi Seal: Feet x8 Mavi Basmak +1


Navarch's Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Navarch's Tricorne 4172: Navarch's Seal: Head x8 Navarch's Tricorne +1
Body 89 Navarch's Frac 4352: Navarch's Seal: Body x10 Navarch's Frac +1
Hands 87 Navarch's Gants 4332: Navarch's Seal: Hands x8 Navarch's Gants +1
Legs 83 Navarch's Culottes 4192: Navarch's Seal: Legs x8 Navarch's Culottes +1
Feet 81 Navarch's Bottes 4212: Navarch's Seal: Feet x8 Navarch's Bottes +1


Cirque Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Cirque Cappello 4173: Cirque Seal: Head x8 Cirque Cappello +1
Body 89 Cirque Farsetto 4353: Cirque Seal: Body x10 Cirque Farsetto +1
Hands 87 Cirque Guanti 4333: Cirque Seal: Hands x8 Cirque Guanti +1
Legs 83 Cirque Pantaloni 4193: Cirque Seal: Legs x8 Cirque Pantaloni +1
Feet 81 Cirque Scarpe 4213: Cirque Seal: Feet x8 Cirque Scarpe +1


Charis Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Charis Tiara 4174: Charis Seal: Head x8 Charis Tiara +1
Body 89 Charis Casaque 4354: Charis Seal: Body x10 Charis Casaque +1
Hands 87 Charis Bangles 4334: Charis Seal: Hands x8 Charis Bangles +1
Legs 83 Charis Tights 4194: Charis Seal: Legs x8 Charis Tights +1
Feet 81 Charis Toeshoes 4214: Charis Seal: Feet x8 Charis Toeshoes +1


Savant's Attire Set +1
Slot Level Empyrean Armor Magian Trial Empyrean Armor +1
Head 85 Savant's Bonnet 4175: Savant's Seal: Head x8 Savant's Bonnet +1
Body 89 Savant's Gown 4355: Savant's Seal: Body x10 Savant's Gown +1
Hands 87 Savant's Bracers 4335: Savant's Seal: Hands x8 Savant's Bracers +1
Legs 83 Savant's Pants 4195: Savant's Seal: Legs x8 Savant's Pants +1
Feet 81 Savant's Loafers 4215: Savant's Seal: Feet x8 Savant's Loafers +1

Pages in category "Empyrean Armor +1"

The following 121 pages are in this category, out of 121 total.