- Lottery spawn from the fifth Death Jacket from above the first Goobbue on Wide Scan at (G-8).
- Window opens 90 minutes after last defeat.
- Links with and is linked to by other bees in the area.
- Possesses a potent Enaero effect of around 50 per hit. This can be resisted with enough magic evasion (Baraera, etc).
- Does not use TP moves.
- Has a Double Attack rate of 12% and Triple Attack rate of roughly 35%.
- Casts Aero III, Aeroga II, and Tornado.
- Erle lacks Fast Cast so player can out range Aeroga II and Tornado.
- Erle loses claim and will deaggro if a player keeps too far out of range for too long.
- Susceptible to Stun.
- Immune to Bind, Break, Gravity, Silence, and Sleep.