Ethereal Squama

From FFXI Wiki
Ethereal Squama icon.png Ethereal squama
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A delicate scale from the wing of a pixie, so thin and tenuous as to be almost imperceptible.
Image: Ethereal Squama description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Materials ➞ Alchemy 1
"Find Ethereal Squama on FFXIAH" "Find Ethereal Squama on FFXIDB"

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Greeter Moogle Port San d'Oria (J-10)
Port Bastok (J-13)
Windurst Walls (C-13)
Chocobo Circuit (H-8)
Purchasable only during appropriate Repeat Login Campaigns via spending accrued Login Points.

Note: Cost varies across login campaigns.

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Verthandi Rolanberry Fields Spawned with Yellow abyssite
Verthandi Rolanberry Fields (S) Spawned with Yellow abyssite
Verthandi Batallia Downs Spawned with Yellow abyssite
Verthandi Batallia Downs (S) Spawned with Yellow abyssite
Verthandi Sauromugue Champaign Spawned with Yellow abyssite
Verthandi Sauromugue Champaign (S) Spawned with Yellow abyssite

Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Hexed Nails Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 105
Hexed Slops Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 106
Hexed Coif Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 107
Hexed Gages Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 108
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Hexed Doublet Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 110
Hexed Tights Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 107
Fylgja Torque Mini-Synergy.png Synergy Journeyman
