Evade and Escape

From FFXI Wiki

Lebros Cavern
Evade and Escape
 Staging Point:  Lebros Cavern
 Start NPC: Famad in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9/L-10)
 Assault Rank: Lance Corporal
 Objective: The unit deployed within Lebros Cavern is in danger of being overwhelmed by the well-positioned enemy. Discover an alternate route so they can retreat in safety.
 Mission Orders: Discover alternate route
 Time Limit:  30 minutes  Recommended Lv.  Lvl. 70
 Assault Points:
  • 1 Member: 1000
  • 2 Members: 1000
  • 3 Members: 1000
  • 4 Members: 900
  • 5 Members: 800
  • 6 Members: 700


Level Name Zone Aggro Link Drops Steal Spawns
? Dahak Lebros Cavern Yes No


None 3


  • The Dahaks have a very narrow vision and in the wider tunnels it is possible to avoid agro by standing on the walls as they run by.
  • The Dahaks have extremely high HP and are thus more trouble than they're worth to kill (although they are trivial for an i119 player).
  • Wide Scan is useful for avoiding Dahak agro.


Simultaneously activate the three switches.

  • The switches will be up in 3 of a possible 7 locations. Each of the possible locations are at the dead-ends on the extremeties of the map.
  • Once hit, switches will stay active for 5 minutes.
  • Switches do not appear on Wide Scan.
  • The Rune of Release will appear in the cave at (H-8) after the switches have been activated simultaneously.

For solo i119 players;

  • Locate the switches first, killing Dahak as you go.
  • Activate the switches, furthest away first, working your way back towards the Rune of Release.