Evil at the Inlet

From FFXI Wiki
Evil at the Inlet
Required Fame Brass Ribbon of Service §§
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Rodeupansat, Crawlers' Nest (S) (J-7)
Pack Wings of the Goddess
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Take Rodeupansat's evil warding seal and attach it to the southwestern tower at Vunkerl Inlet in order to cleanse the area of evil.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Key Item Brass Ribbon of Service §§
Recall-Jugner (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Recall-Jugner


  • Speak with Rodeupansat to begin quest
  • You will receive Key Item Evil warding seal
  • Travel to (D-11) of Vunkerl Inlet (S) to find a ??? behind the tower (not the irridescent markings). Be very careful here, there are a lot of Djinns (bomb types) floating around, if you need to recast invisible, just use a powder or tonko.
  • Upon touching that you will lose the original key item.
  • Return to Rodeupansat to complete quest.