Feline Hagoita

From FFXI Wiki
Feline Hagoita icon.png Feline hagoita
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: DMG:2 Delay:264
Image: Feline Hagoita description.png
Type: Weapon Storage: Storage Slip 22
Flags: Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive
Stack size: 1
"Find Feline Hagoita on FFXIAH" "Find Feline Hagoita on FFXIDB"
Weapon Information
Races: All Races Skill: Club
Damage: 2 Delay: 264
DPS: 0.45 TP/Hit:


Level: 1
Jobs: All Jobs

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Greeter Moogle Port San d'Oria (J-10)
Port Bastok (J-13)
Windurst Walls (C-13)
Chocobo Circuit (H-8)
Purchasable only during appropriate Repeat Login Campaigns via spending accrued Login Points.

Note: Cost varies across login campaigns.

Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Feline Hagoita +1 Mini-Synergy.png Synergy Amateur


Feline hagotia fail.png
  • Added in the January 2022 Version Update, which happened to see the name of Annihilator get changed to "21266" when they (finally) fixed a lot of English localization errors. SE fixed that in their typical small followup update, but this resulted in the Feline Hagoita's and Feline Hagoita +1's names and descriptions being reduced to simply "." in the English client.

    This incorrect name of the brand new and featured login campaign item was left as is until the following update.


Hagoita are Japanese wooden paddles used to hit shuttlecocks in the Japanese game Hanetsuki (similar to badminton), generally played during the New Year. The paddles are decorated and the tradition was believed to drive away evil spirits. Hagoita was introduced to Japan during the Muromachin period (1336-1573) from Ming dynasty China.

The Feline Hagoita was introduced in the January 2022 Version Update, which happened to start the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.


500pt en Jan22.png

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