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Location: Port Windurst - (C-8)
Type: Guild Union Representative
Description: Trades Guild Points for daily items and sells Guild equipment

Items Sold

Item Name

Price (Guild Points)

Guild Rank

Robber Rig 1,500 Novice
Frog Fishing 30,000 Novice
Fisherman's Belt 10,000 Novice
Waders 70,000 Journeyman
Serpent Rumors 95,000 Adept
Fisherman's Apron 100,000 Artisan
Mooching 115,000 Veteran
Net and Lure 50,000 Artisan
Fishing Hole Map 150,000 Veteran
Fisherman's Sign 200,000 Veteran
Fishermen's Emblem 15,000 Veteran
Anglers' Almanac 20,000 Veteran, skill 98+