Forging a New Myth

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Forging a New Myth
Required Fame Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Nashmeira, Imperial Ward
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Driven by ambition, yet still haunted by the dismebodied whispers that come at the weapon's touch, you have been ordered by Nashmeira in the name of the Empire to harness the seemingly unconquerable power of the mythic weapons.


  • Note that if you lose the battle, you will need to once again collect these three items to obtain a new Serpentking Zahak relief. Be sure you are prepared for the battle with appropriate strategy, gear, and medications.
  • Trust magic may not be used in the battle.
  • You must also be on the job for the Mythic Weapon you are obtaining, as you must be able to wield it during the fight.
  • If you forget Ammunition you will not be able to finish the fight it you are making one for RNG or COR and will need a new pop.

Forging a New Myth

  • Your battle begins against a single foe: Zahak.
  • Zahak will lose a head for each WS performed and will disappear upon losing all 3 heads
    • Missed WS's do not count towards this total.
    • Critical hits may also remove heads, and this can also happen when it's at 1% and you're hitting for 0.
  • You must main-hand your statless Mythic Weapon in order to damage Zahak.
  • Does not possess native Regen
  • After Zahak disappears, Balrahn will spawn.
  • Balrahn must hit you with your own Nyzul Isle Weaponskill at least once (and say a line or two) before you can get aftermath effects from using the Nyzul Isle Weaponskill.
  • At this point, you will be granted 10TP/tick regain. If you deplete Balrahn's HP before performing each aftermath Weaponskill, you will be unable to deal damage and can only accumulate TP from damage you take as well as the regain.
  • Balrahn will gain a small fraction of his HP back after each WS he performs.
  • Balrahn now has pretty substantial Regen.
  • To defeat Balrahn, obtain all 3 levels of aftermath status effect by performing the Nyzul Isle Weaponskill once at 1000~1999, 2000~2999, and 3000TP.
  • If you have not unlocked your respective mythic weaponskill, it'll be temporarily available after he uses it on you.
  • You may do them out of order, but you must do each tier Aftermath at least once and you should make sure that you actually get the aftermath icon.
  • If you have AM3, for instance, you won't be able to activate AM1 or AM2.
  • You may erase Aftermath by removing and re-equipping your weapon.
  • You may use your support job in this fight, /SAM will save you a little time but is not needed.


Fight Information (Jackyl, BG)