Golden Salvage

From FFXI Wiki

Ilrusi Atoll
Golden Salvage
 Staging Point:  Ilrusi Atoll
 Start NPC: Bhoy Yhupplo in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9/L-10)
 Assault Rank: Private Second Class
 Objective: Rumor has it that the golden figurehead from the Black Coffin, the ship of Luzaf the pirate, can be found somewhere within Ilrusi Atoll.
 Mission Orders: Recover the figurehead
 Time Limit:  30 minutes  Recommended Lv.  Lvl. 60
 Assault Points:
  • 1 Member: 1100
  • 2 Members: 1100
  • 3 Members: 1100
  • 4 Members: 990
  • 5 Members: 880
  • 6 Members: 770


Level Name Zone Aggro Link Drops Steal Spawns
VT Percipient Fish Ilrusi Atoll Yes Yes None 8
Cursed Chest Ilrusi Atoll Yes No None 11


  • Cursed Chests will look and act like normal coffers until aggroed.
  • Cursed Chests are immobile and will draw in its target.
    • If all of its targets are beyond draw-in range, it will deaggro and revert to looking like a normal coffer.


  • 12 coffers are scattered about the map, 3 in each of the 4 paths.
  • One of them contains the figurehead; the other 11 are mimics which will attack you when you investigate the coffer.
  • It is impossible to run from a mimic if you have hate.
    • However, if the mimic has hate on a pet and the rest of its targets get out of range, it will deaggro when the pet dies or is unsummoned.
  • Once the correct chest is found, the Rune of Release spawns at the start.

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