Guttler (Level 90)

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Guttler (Level 90) icon.png Guttler
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Description: DMG:76 Delay:280 Attack+35 "Onslaught" Additional effect: "Choke"
Image: Guttler (Level 90) description.png
Type: Weapon
Flags: Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Guttler (Level 90) on FFXIAH" "Find Guttler (Level 90) on FFXIDB"
Weapon Information
Races: All Races Skill: Axe
Damage: 76 Delay: 280
DPS: 16.29 TP/Hit:


Level: 90
Jobs: Beastmaster
Ultimate Weapon Information
Weapon Skill: Onslaught
Versions: Lv. 75 - Lv. 80 - Lv. 85 - Lv. 90 - Lv. 95
Lv. 99 - Lv. 99 II - iLevel 119 - iLevel 119 II - iLevel 119 III
Aftermath: Attack+10% Duration: Floor( 0.02×TP )

Obtained From...
Quest Notes
Trial of the Magians Axes Result of the Trial of the Magians. See the Axe Trials page for more details.

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Dealer Moogle Various Trade a Kupon W-R90 or Mog Kupon W-R90

Comes with the following upgrade items:
Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300


  • This weapon is the fully upgraded Axe weapon through the relic process, but it can be further upgraded through the Trial of the Magians.
  • This weapon allows user to use the weaponskill Onslaught.

Additional Effect

  • Choke effect gives -17 VIT and does 7 damage per tick for one minute, and cannot overwrite itself.

Hidden Effects

  • Hidden Effect: Onslaught damage +25%.
  • Hidden Effect: Does 2.5x Damage on the first swing of an attack round 7% of the time.