Jeweled Collar

From FFXI Wiki
Jeweled Collar icon.png Jeweled collar
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: Element: Fire+10 Element: Ice+10 Element: Wind+10 Element: Earth+10 Element: Thunder+10 Element: Water+10
Image: Jeweled Collar description.png
Type: Armor
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Inscribable, Equippable
Stack size: 1
Guild Points: 3,078 (Question) / 19,680 (6.39 items)
"Find Jeweled Collar on FFXIAH" "Find Jeweled Collar on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Neck
Level: 70
Jobs: All Jobs

Synthesis Information
Yield Requirements Ingredients

Main Craft: Goldsmithing - (90)


Main Craft: Goldsmithing - (90)

Desynthesis Information
Craft Requirements Crystal Yield

Main Craft: Goldsmithing - (90)

Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Brisingamen Mini-Goldsmithing.png Goldsmithing 100