Judgment Day

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Description: Furnishing: This painstakingly crafted painting depicts the fiery conflict between Odin, the Dark Divinity, and Alexander, the Iron Colossus.
Image: Judgment Day description.png
Type: Furnishing Storage: Storage Slip 19
Flags: CanSendPOL, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
Storage: <Element: Thunder STG:7>
Aura Strength: 8
Dimensions: 2x7
Moghancement: Moghancement: Lightning
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Obtained From...
Special Event Notes
Mog Bonanza Past and/or Present Rank 1 prize choice


  • Added in the April 2013 Version Update, but first available in the 12th Anniversary Mog Bonanza.
  • Although it is a painting, it is not Wall Hung in the Mog House due to its size.



Judgment Day Appearance.jpg