- Not aggressive.
- Can spawn as early as 20.5 hours if the weather will continue into the 21st hour.
- Double earth weather is only guaranteed spawn between 21-24 hours after last despawn/defeat.

- If it has not spawned by the 24th hour, it has a random chance to spawn at either single or double earth weather for any time after.
- Despawns if passive and no earth weather is occurring.
- Has a very high Regen.
- Melee attacks have Additional effect: Petrification.
- Can use Earthbreaker, Venom Sting, and Venom Storm.
- Wild Rage has an additional effect of Poison.
- Can Draw-In the entire alliance that has it claimed.
- Once a draw in occurs, it will then use an AoE ability: Venom Storm, Earthbreaker or Wild Rage followed by a single target ability: Death Scissors, Mandible Bite or Venom Sting.