Kujata (Server)

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Server Information
 Server ID:  23
 Activation Date:  December 19, 2002

Server Specific Information

It was activated to alleviate overcrowding on the other servers. Its original population consisted of players world shifted from Titan, Fenrir, Alexander, and Diabolos Servers. On January 14, 2003, the population of Typhon Server was merged with that of Kujata Server before being deactivated.

Mythological Origin:

Kujata (Arabic كيوثاء), also referred to in various sources as Kjata, Kuyutha, or Kujara, is an enormous bull with four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, and feet in Islamic cosmology [1]. It is said that Kujata stands on the back of an enormous fish, [Bahamut]. Above Kujata is a large ruby, on which stands an angel that supports the earth. The bull is so large, it is written, that a journey between each of his eyes would take five hundred years [2].

In the mythology, the world is arranged as follows:

  • Seven heavens
  • Seven earths (with lower levels being areas of hell)
  • The angel
  • Ruby rock
  • Kujata
  • Bahamut
  • Fathomless ocean
  • Realm of air
  • Realm of fire
  • Falak, the omnipotent serpent

Server Links

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