Kupofried's H2H Moogle Magic

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Kupofried's H2H Moogle Magic
Required Fame Other Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: Level 90~99
Starting NPC Kupofried, (???) Walk of Echoes
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Certain arcane powers known as "weapon skills" in adventurer vernacular can supposedly be harbored in one's body through the use of moogle magic.
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None None
Guardian of the Void

Must have either a Dumuzis or a level 90~99 Verethragna.

The ability to use Victory Smite with any hand-to-hand weapon.


  • Select the ??? in the Walk of Echoes while having either required weapon equipped.
  • Select the weapon type you wish to unlock.
    • Selecting a type different to the equipped weapon requires that appropriate weapon.
  • Trade the ??? your Dumuzis or a level 90~99 Verethragna for a short scene unlocking Victory Smite.