Loc. Elutriator

From FFXI Wiki
Loc. Elutriator icon.png Locust elutriator
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: An interesting specimen of creature that resembles a chapuli. Though normally associated with death and destruction, this type of beast possesses a certain organ which aids in flushing out poisons.
Image: Loc. Elutriator description.png
Type: Item
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Food ➞ Ingredients
"Find Loc. Elutriator on FFXIAH" "Find Loc. Elutriator on FFXIDB"

Obtained from HELM in...
Sickle icon.png Harvesting Rarity
Foret de Hennetiel U

Obtained from HELM in...
Sickle icon.png Harvesting Method and Rank
Mog Garden Arboreal Grove (Remove Weeds) Rank 2+
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Wispy Broth Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 16
Wispy Broth Mini-Synergy.png Synergy Initiate