Maruna-Kurina/Campaign tallies

From FFXI Wiki

Campaign Tallies

Upon entering into an alliance with one another, the four nations drew up a wartime pact.

In accordance with the stipulations therein, the single nation deemed to be the greatest contributor to the fighting within, or maintaining of, an area is temporarily granted domain over it.

Such rulings are doled outaru by the Grand Duchy of Jeuno, in all its wisdom, based on the intel reports of Campaign officials. Those reports as a whole are commonly referred to as “Campaign tallies.”

From what I've seen, the fighting is usually at its most vehement-wehement just before Campaign tallies.

That's because it's widely known that when influence over an area changes, crucial factors such as funds and resources are also affected.

Not to mention the role it plays in boosting or lowering an army's spirits!

That's why things tend to get a little hectic on the frontarulines when a Campaign tally draws near.