Maruna-Kurina/Opinion polls

From FFXI Wiki

Opinion Polls

Every nation conducts its own “opinion polls.” Have you happened to come across any of the official-wicials recording the opinions of soldiers and adventurers? Those would be the pollers. In my opinion, those who frequent the frontlines such as yourself should make better use of the polls.

Each nation has its own characteristic protocol based on long-standing established policies. Should polls not be made use of, the powers that be will have no choice but to rely upon their generals for counsel. Which might not necessarily-warily always be a bad thing, except that counsel may not always be based on the latest intel. I myself have witnessed offenses ordered with no supply lines or funds to back them, and entire units resting on their laurels at the most opportune times to attack.

This is the river that opinion polls can help to ford! They allow High Command to know which generals have the supportaru of war-seasoned veterans, and provide a forum for the submission of strategies and feedback. I have always been an advocate of compulsory-wulsory polls. Think of it! If all soldiers from the frontlines raised their voices, High Command would have no choice but to listen.

And consequently, more operations would become available in the category deemed to be most necessary at that time! Sorry, I always get a but flustered talking about this. Anyway, the reviewing of poll resultarus is conducted regularly, much like Campaign tallies.

Hm? You don't know what opinion you should have? Well, that's just sad. Your opinions will come to you, so long as you keep a healthy skepticism and a critical-witical eye about you. To give a brief example, if you are of the mind that it is time for an all-outaru offensive, then you should consider raising your voice in favor of a “preemptive strike” or “diversionary tactics.” If you think the situation-wation calls for patience and caution, then perhaps cast your vote for “battleline preservation” or “stronghold defenses.”

It might be easiestaru to think of all of the options broken into two fundamental categories of offense and defense. Rather than constantly worrying about maintaining a healthy balance of the two, there are times when a full frontal-wontal assault is required. Other times are best served by turtling up in strongholds and allowing wave after wave of beastmen to break upon your defenses.

If you can absorb everything I've taughtaru you, and just use your head, I guarantee the path to victory will present itself to you as clear as day! That's the Maruna-Kurina guarantee! Oh and uhhh, if you ever happen to...well, gain an audience-waudience with any, say, importantaru people... Be sure to tell them that Maruna-Kurina helped you out!