- Uses standard Gnat attacks and Booming Bombination.
- Booming Bombination - Large AoE damage + plague + defense down + magic defense down, gains temporary aura of amnesia, silence, and poison. Appears to increase its damage taken resistance.
- Exploitable Weaknesses:
- Balancing damage dealt between Physical, Non-Elemental, Magical, and Ranged type damage is important. If too much of one damage type is dealt, it will deal reduced damage until more of another type is dealt.
- Emetic Discharge transfers all debuffs on itself to combatants in range. This TP move appears to lower damage resistance and evasion based on the number of transferred debuffs.
- Selecting debuffs that will affect your DDs minimally is recommended because of Emetic Discharge. Dia, Threnody, Requiem, Nocturne/Addle, Poison, etc. Geomancer debuffs are also very useful as they cannot be transferred by Emetic Discharge.
- Mastop will preferentially use Emetic Discharge (transfers debuffs to all players in range) if multiple debuffs are on. This will limit or prevent usage of Booming Bombination.
- If you Helix Mastop, and he performs Emetic Discharge, the Helix will get transferred to everyone in range
- Therefore, if you Helix for 2.5k+ this will likely one shot everyone in the party
- Keeping Barstonra and Barpetra up throughout the fight, and all mages carry echo drops is highly recommended.
- Outside the fracture (in Ceizak Battlegrounds), the monster depops after 20 minutes