Mensur Epee

From FFXI Wiki
Mensur Epee icon.png Mensur epee
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Description: DMG:39 Delay:224
Image: Mensur Epee description.png
Type: Weapon
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Equippable
Stack size: 1
"Find Mensur Epee on FFXIAH" "Find Mensur Epee on FFXIDB"
Weapon Information
Races: All Races Skill: Sword
Damage: 39 Delay: 224
DPS: 10.45 TP/Hit:


Level: 73
Jobs: Warrior / Red Mage / Paladin / Bard / Dragoon / Corsair / Dancer

Obtained from Instance...
Battle Name Level Cap Entry Item(s) Zone
Happy Caster None Secret Imperial order Navukgo Execution Chamber


  • This weapon's DMG rating decreases by 2 for each additional party member in the player's party (beyond the player).
    • Trusts likely count as party members. Verification Needed
  • This weapon deals piercing-type damage.