Mentally Deficient

From FFXI Wiki

Sometimes referred to as "Mentally defective" or even "Mentally decrepit".

Perhaps the most frequent complaint towards subject matter on the whole wiki. Found at the start of the FAQ in the Quickstart 1-119 Guide, it has been the source of countless, and sometimes weekly threads or posts. Though that most often only takes place on r/FFXI which speaks for itself.
Sometimes it is just best to just give up on hope for hope as already abandoned your proclivities.

The bellyaching over it could be summed up as a glaring example of entitlement at something so miniscule, meaningless, and trivially foolish. It is unfortunate to witness spirits so brittle. That they feel the need to publicly seize upon their inability to handle victimless adversity in an MMO, let alone life itself.

Even more befuddling to this virtue signalling and boycotting is that the game itself contains this same phrase of such Herculean offense:
Mentally Deficient.png