Category:Mog House Exit Quests

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Mog House Exit Quests allow players to take secret back alleys from their Mog House to any section of a city or their Mog Garden. This is incredibly convenient for getting around. Adoulin by default enables these back alley exits. Additionally, completing all three starting cities unlocks Mog Safe 2 and the second floor Mog House.

Quest NPC Quest Name Required Item
Kuu Mohzolhi
San d'Oria Flag.jpg Northern San d'Oria (F-8)
Growing Flowers Marguerite icon.png Marguerite
Valah Molkot
Bastok-Flag.jpg Port Bastok (J-12)
A Lady's Heart Amaryllis icon.png Amaryllis
Ojha Rhawash
Windurst-Flag.jpg Windurst Walls (C-13)
Flower Child Lilac icon.png Lilac
Zona Shodhun
Jeuno-Flag.jpg Port Jeuno (E-8)
Pretty Little Things Yellow Rock icon.png Yellow Rock
Ahkk Jharcham
AhtUrghan Icon.png Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-10)
Keeping Notes Parchment icon.png Parchment,
and Black Ink icon.png Black Ink

Pages in category "Mog House Exit Quests"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.