- Fished up south of #2 in Mosquito Pond at (G-9).
- You must fish within the Dark Orb that appears on the water between 23:00 and 4:00.
- Other Dark Orbs spawn in Reisenjima, but it is unknown if Ogdoad spawns from them.

- The spawn timer is similar to other NMs in the zone. It can spawn back to back after being killed.
- It is unconfirmed, but there are reports [1] from NA and JPs that fishing skill is required.
This would be atypical of other fished up NMs.
- At 110+12 fishing, it is easy to tell when you have the NM hooked compared to normal toads. The NM has much more stamina, compared to the normal toads that near instantly have their bars depleted.
- Any combination of bait and rod works, however some combos that don't target fish are certainly better.

- Mosquitos that roam the pond will aggro by sight while you try to fish, while Wretched Poroggos will aggro and link with any Lentic Toads.
- You will also fish up Lentic Toads, so Sneak fishing is recommended in order to avoid aggro and save time.
- Upon fishing up Ogdoad, nearby Lentic Toads roaming the pond may link.
- Ogdoad is capable of using Frog Song to charm players.
- Uses Provenance and casts typical AoE froggy spells.