Operation: Snake Eyes

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Operation: Snake Eyes
 Staging Point:  Periqia
 Start NPC: Lageegee in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9/L-10)
 Assault Rank: Chief Sergeant
 Objective: Generals Karazahm and Umarid of the Imperial Army's Arrapago division have disappeared from camp headquarters while on a mission on Sharug Isle. There is a high possibility that the two have been kidnapped by members of the Undead Swarm.
 Mission Orders: Locate the generals
 Time Limit:  30 minutes  Recommended Lv.  Lvl. 70
 Assault Points:
  • 1 Member: 1333
  • 2 Members: 1333
  • 3 Members: 1333
  • 4 Members: 1200
  • 5 Members: 1066
  • 6 Members: 933


Level Name Zone Aggro Link Drops Steal Spawns
DC Qutrub Periqia Yes No None 5
Merrow No 16 Periqia Yes Yes None
Lamia No 14 Periqia Yes Yes None
Lamia No 17 Periqia Yes Yes None
Merrow Shadowdancer Periqia Yes Yes None 5



This assault is composed of several tasks which must all be completed to unlock the Rune of Release.

Task 1: Kill the Qutrub

  • Scattered about the start location (I-9) are 5 Qutrub. Defeat these to unlock the doors to the north.

Task 2: Kill Merrow No.16

  • In one of the 6 rooms to the north, Merrow No 16 will be fighting general Karazahm. Defeat Merrow No.16 and do not let the general die.
  • Merrow No 16 and the general do not show up on wide scan, so you will need to check each room quickly to find them.

Task 3: Kill Lamia No.14

  • In (I-6), Lamia No 14 must be defeated to unlock the door to the north.
  • Beware of Belly Dance, a sight-based AoE charm. Everyone should face away from the NM when she uses this ability to avoid being charmed.

(Another strategy for #14 is for the entire party to get charmed, #14 then will proceed to take the whole party through the gate and drop you right near general Umarid. You may/may not have to kill #14 depending on how your party uncharms. If you choose to fight her at the general then make sure everyone faces her and keep bio/poison on in case the party gets charmed because she will regen when unclaimed. (She seems to use belly dance a lot less when fought near the general))

Task 4: Kill Lamia No.17

  • In (H-6), you will find general Umarid. Upon approaching him, he will attack. Damage him to <50% HP and Lamia No 17 will appear.
  • The general has approximately 5300 HP.
    • Do not kill the general
    • General has less than 4463 HP with single person entry at 119. 1 Subduction did kill them.
  • Once Lamia No.17 appears, defeat her to unlock the Rune of Release at (I-5).


Ancient Lockbox
Hi-Potion +3
Hi-Potion Tank
??? Box
Bronze Bolt Quiver
Bld. Bolt Quiver
Cleaning Tool Set
Igneous Rock
Qiqirn Sandbag
Qutrub Gorget
Apple Mint
??? Necklace
Feather Collar
Gorget +1
Chi Necklace
??? Ring
Brass Ring
Copper Ring
Pi Ring


Visual Guide, click to enlarge.

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