Voidfoot: SMN

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Pair of Void Footwear: SMN)
Voidfoot- SMN icon.png Pair of void footwear: SMN
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A pair of pigaches once worn by a dedicated summoner. It is stained with void energies and cannot be equipped in its current state.
Image: Voidfoot- SMN description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Not vendorable
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Misc. 3
"Find Voidfoot: SMN on FFXIAH" "Find Voidfoot: SMN on FFXIDB"

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Aurix Ru'Lude Gardens - (G-8) Trade 3 Kindred's Medals for 1 Voidfoot: SMN

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Regiment Medic ? Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)
Priest Commander ? Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)

Used in the following Item Upgrades
Item Name Notes
Glyph. Pigaches +3 icon.png Glyph. Pigaches +3 Used to upgrade Glyph. Pigaches +2 to +3 (x3 Required)