Ru'Lude Gardens

From FFXI Wiki
Ru'Lude Gardens
Ru'Lude Gardens Area.jpg
Japanese ル・ルデの庭
Map Acquisition Rusese (H-6)
Upper Jeuno
Timeline Present
Region Jeuno
Zone Type City
Activities None
Weather None
Ru'Lude Gardens Connected Zone Zones To
(H-11) Ru'Lude Gardens.jpg Upper Jeuno (J-10) Upper Jeuno.jpg
Ru'Lude Gardens.jpgRu'Lude Gardens.jpg
Map 1
Jeuno Composite Map.jpgJeuno Composite Map.jpg


Name Map Pos. Notes
Adolie 1 G-7
Ajahkeem 1 G-9 Adventure Fellow NPC
Akta 1 H-10
Albiona 1 H-9
Anoop 1 H-7
Archanne 1 G-9
Arenuel 1 I-6
Assai Nybaem 1 G-10 Voidwalker NM System NPC
Auchefort 1 H-7
Baran 1 H-5
Chapi Galepilai 1 H-7
Colti 1 H-6
Crooked Arrow 1 G-8
Dabih Jajalioh 1 F-9
Delivery Crate 1 H-5
Diradour 1 F-8
Dugga 1 G-8
Falreze 1 H-4
Ghye Dachanthu 1 F-9
Goggehn 1 H-10
Harith 1 H-5 Quest NPC
High Wind 1 H-6
Jamal 1 H-5 Trust quests
Kam'lanaut 1 - Cutscene Only
Kayle 1 I-9
Laityn 1 G-9
Leis 1 H-5
Maat 1 H-5
Name Map Pos. Notes
Magian Moogle 1 H-5 Trial of the Magians NPC
Magian Moogle (Blue) 1 H-5 Trial of the Magians NPC
Magian Moogle (Green) 1 H-5 Trial of the Magians NPC
Main-Harmain 1 H-6
Marshal 1 I-9 Ballista NPC
Marjory 1 H-5 Trust quests
Morlepiche 1 H-10 Gate Guard
Muhoho 1 H-7
Nelcabrit 1 G-9
Neraf-Najiruf 1 G-7
Nomad Moogle 1 H-5
Nuria 1 I-10 Map Marker NPC
Pakh Jatalfih 1 I-9
Perisa-Neburusa 1 I-10 Mog House NPC
Petva 1 H-8
Pherimociel 1 G-6
Pitenorelieu 1 G-8
Pursuivant 1 I-8 Ballista Assistant
Radeivepart 1 H-9 Quest NPC
Rainhard 1 H-6
Splintery Chest 1 H-5
Sitting Ram 1 H-7
Taillegeas 1 I-7
Tillecoe 1 H-8 Ballista Private Match Reservation
Tsugumi 1 I-9
Venessa 1 H-10
Vincent 1 H-10 Abyssea Service NPC
Yavoraile 1 I-6


Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline
Magicite Bastok Mission 4-1 Goggehn (H-10) Bastok Mission
Magicite San d'Oria Mission 4-1 Nelcabrit (G-9) San d'Oria Mission
Magicite Windurst Mission 4-1 Pakh Jatalfih (I-9) Windurst Mission


Fame Name NPC Pos. Zone Rewards
- Apocalypse Nigh Esha'ntarl H-4 Ru'Lude Gardens Varies
Ducal Hospitality Taillegeas I-7 Ru'Lude Gardens 4000 gil
Empty Memories Harith Ru'Lude Gardens
4 Northward Radeivepart H-9 Ru'Lude Gardens Map of Castle Zvahl
Shadows of the Departed Esha'ntarl Ru'Lude Gardens
Storms of Fate Esha'ntarl Ru'Lude Gardens Whisper of the Wyrmking
1 In Defiant Challenge Maat H-5 Ru'Lude Gardens Raises level cap to 55
Atop the Highest Mountains Maat H-5 Ru'Lude Gardens Raises level cap to 60
Whence Blows the Wind Maat H-5 Ru'Lude Gardens Raises level cap to 65
Riding on the Clouds Maat H-5 Ru'Lude Gardens Raises level cap to 70
Shattering Stars Maat H-5 Ru'Lude Gardens Raises level cap to 75
Beyond the Sun Maat H-5 Ru'Lude Gardens Maat's Cap

Historical Significance

The grounds of Kam'lanaut's grand estates, the Ru'Lude Gardens were named by the archduke himself and opened to the population as a place of respite in times of peace. Unfortunately, during the Crystal War, the gardens, the estate, and the bridge on which they were built were all destroyed by boulders thrown by gigas. After the war was over, the Ru'Lude Gardens were reconstructed on the roof of the residential tower on an even grander scale for all the people of Vana'diel to enjoy.