
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Scholar
Type Level  
Level Obtained 10
Description Reduces the MP cost of your next Black Magic spell by 50%
Duration 00:01:00 or next black magic cast, whichever first
Recast Depends on Stratagem charges
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 80
Command /ja "Parsimony" <me> 
Job Points
Category Stratagem Effect I Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase magic accuracy for spells affected by Parsimony by 1.


  • While under the effect of this job ability, matching spells actually cost half.
    • As such, you are only required to have half of the MP to cast the spell.
Example: If a spell costs 22 MP, you will only need to have 11 MP to cast it.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Savant's Pants +1 icon.png Savant's Pants +1 Forces a Conserve MP proc on top of this ability.
Savant's Pants +2 icon.png Savant's Pants +2 Forces a Conserve MP proc on top of this ability.
Arbatel Pants icon.png Arbatel Pants Parsimony +3 - Forces a Conserve MP proc as an additional effect, which is treated as "N = 11 (8 +3 from this armor)". It can then be subject to additional normal Conserve MP procs.
Arbatel Pants +1 icon.png Arbatel Pants +1 Parsimony +4 - Forces a Conserve MP proc as an additional effect, which is treated as "N = 12 (8 +4 from this armor)". It can then be subject to additional normal Conserve MP procs.
Arbatel Pants +2 icon.png Arbatel Pants +2 Parsimony +5 - Forces a Conserve MP proc as an additional effect, which is treated as "N = 13 (8 +5 from this armor)". It can then be subject to additional normal Conserve MP procs.
Arbatel Pants +3 icon.png Arbatel Pants +3 Parsimony +6 - Forces a Conserve MP proc as an additional effect, which is treated as "N = 14 (8 +6 from this armor)". It can then be subject to additional normal Conserve MP procs.
