Path of the Bard

From FFXI Wiki
Path of the Bard
Required Fame Jeuno Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: Level 30
Starting NPC Bki Tbujhja, Lower Jeuno (H-8)
Pack None
Title Wandering Minstrel
Repeatable No
Description You have taken the first step. The path of the bard lies before you.
Previous Quest Next Quest
A Minstrel in Despair Painful Memory
  • 3,000 gil
  • Ability to become a Bard.


  • (Optional) Speak to Bki Tbujhja Lower Jeuno H-8, inside the Merry Minstrel, for a hint on where you need to go next.
  • Travel through the tunnel in Valkurm Dunes (C-6) to the "Secret Beach" and examine the Song Runes (B-7) for a last cutscene.
    • A quick way to reach the destination is to Survival Guide to Gustav Tunnel, then exit to Valkurm Dunes.
    • If you haven't been to this survival guide yet, Unity Warp (level 128) and then having a /BLM use Escape will put you right at this exit.
    • This quest will not appear on your quest list until completion.