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Pre WotG NPC Dialogue
During the August 28, 2007 version update, new NPC characters were added, and existing NPC's were given different chat dialogue to spread hype for the upcoming expansion Wings of the Goddess. This is a simple listing of that information.
Bastok Markets
Angry Bull (H-11): "I remember 20 years ago when I was in charge of protecting Galkan Bridge from the beastmen.
For a large part of the Crystal War, we had her blocked off on both sides. The government said it was to keep enemy spies from infiltrating Bastok's central areas. However, there were rumors that it was to prevent Galka from coming over on this side of the river and rioting.
It would be a lie if I told you it wasn't hard for me, a Galka, to work against my brothers like that.
I still have nightmares about the times I had to force back groups of refugees trying to escape the flames that engulfed their homes in the mines district.
And now I'm back here here patrolling the bridge as I did so long ago. Perhaps destiny has a tighter grip on us than I thought..."
Domhnall (K-9): "Hmm? Ah, the hot springs in the Dangruf Wadi? Those were great! I felt like a new man after bathing there!
I wish they had been built back when I was a legion praefectus..."
Offa (F-10): "<Yawn> Guess I'll skip work today, too...
I work in the Metalworks, you see, but my work there is pretty boring. Doing the same thing over and over, every day of th week... It really gets to you after a while, you know?
Take Firewater Circle, for instance. I heard that during the Crystal War, there used to be a giant tower right where the fountain is. Now wouldn't that be a sight to see?
<Sigh>... Why can't there be a new war, or something? Then, I could quit this dead-end job and enlist in the Reuplican Legion!
With my brains, I'd be a commander in no time! Just don't ask me to go to the front lines... I have this thing about dying..."
Samia (I-10): "My husband says he's a collector, but I must say he doesn't have much taste.
He simply doesn't know what to do with all that money he made during the Crystal War forging cannons for the Republic"
Helga (H-8): "Greetings, adventurer. I am Gold Musketeer first captain, Helga. Would you like like me to give you a simple briefing on the Republican Military?
The Republican military is comprised of two groups: the Republican Legion and the Musketeers.
The legionary forces are formed from volunteers and draftees, and are dived into four different organizations. It is these organizations that handle the responsibility of defending our nation from invasion.
The musketeers are an elite group of officers hand-selected from legion ranks. As with the legion, this group is divided into several smaller unit.
Of those units, the two most prominent would be the Iron Musketeers. who answer directly to the Department of Industry, and the Gold Musketeers, who take their orders from the Department of Mining."
Northern San d'Oria
Fantarviont (F-7): "In the war twenty years ago, San d'Orian knights crushed the Shadow Lord and his hordes. We sealed off the Northlands from whence he came.
Eh? Windurst and Bastok? They could barely protect their gates! If it weren't for the valor of our knights, all would have fallen into shadow!"
Southern San d'Oria
Anxaberoute (L-10): "Nothing to report...as usual. Although I suppose having nothing to report is a good thing.
It is quite a far cry from the days when our kingdom was under seige by the Orcish Bloodwing Horde led by the merciless Doggvdegg.
I still get weak in the knees when I recall the thunderous din raised by the footsteps of Doggvdegg's mighty bugard mount."
Atelloune (L-6): "Hey! You there! Adventurer! Have you ever happened to see a sand worm? You know, gigantic worm, semented body, lives in the sand?
Well...hmm... Oh! The how about a ladybug? They're distinctive little pests with bright red, semicircular bodies, three distinctive black spots and...
I apologize, I've gone and totally forgotten my manners! You must excuse me. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Atelloune, assistant to renowned biologist Professor Clauvert B Chanoix.
To help with the professor's research, I'm searching for all kinds of specimens from Quon and Mindartia whose numbers have been dwindling in recent years.
I just thought that an adventurer such as yourself had surely seen some rare creatures on your travels...but never mind. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
Clainomille (G-9): "Just head west down this street and take a right at the end of it. That will lead you to Watchdog Alley.
It now serves as a residential area for our kingdom's squires, so it's quite safe. But it was once a haven for criminals and all sorts of sordid types.
During the Great War the quarter was even used for the public hangings of captured beastmen. To think..."
Esmallegue (I-11): "Greetings adventurer. San d'Oria is grateful for your services. I am Royal Squire Esmallegue.
Grand Knight Depardal has left his post as sentry in the Outlands. For now he has been enlisted as a member of the Praetorian Guard.
As I'm sure you are already aware, San d'Oria's military is divided into two branches, the Royal Knights and the Temple Knights.
In times of peace, we Royal Knights are charged with the defense of the nation, while the Temple Knights are responsible for maintaining the public order. However, in times of war the Temple Knights are given the role of supervising our ranks.
Unfortunately, this is a source of some conflict. Despite being united under one kingdom, there is a strong sense of rivalry between the two armies. It has been said that during the Great War there were many areas of contention between us."
Katharina (L-6): "Come in! Come in! And welcome to the Lion Springs Tavern! Run by none other than the great hero of the Norvallen Resistance, Valderotaux himself.
Make yourself at home! Can I interest you in some of our famous mulsum?"
Windurst Walls
Haah Chakaila (H-5): "Twenty yearrrs ago, the allied forrrces succeeded in defeating the lord of the beastmen. Howeverrr, they were not able to take the beastman forces out completely.
If Windurst had only a little more powerrr then, we could have taken care of our birrrd problem, and there would be no need to fake a happy coexistence with the Yagudo."
Windurst Waters
Enrefort (G-10): "In the war of twenty years ago, Windurst received a painful blow from the beastmen. Yet the constructions around here are rather new, leading one to assume these were built after the war.
Well now, my son and I came to view the ruins here, so we should be heading on over to Windurst Walls. They are east of here, are they not?"
Gordias (F-9): "Ahhh, I'm sooo full! I just ate ten servings! Hahaha... Are you impressed? Well, that there restaurant sells only Tarutaru-sized servings, and ten is quite an easy amount to stomach.
However, the owner was telling me that during the Crystal War, there were times when a lack of rations forced the restaurant to close its doors. Can you believe it?"
Kayeel-Payeel (G-7): "Harrumph! The Federation has gone rotten, I tell you. Rotten! Who would have thought the day would come when people would forget the name Kayeel-Payeel, Master Caster of the Aquarian War Warlocks!
If Warlock Warlord Roberl-Akbel were only alive today, heads would roll!
How long do the five ministries and the Parliament of Patriarchs plan on keeping his position empty? How long must Fort Karugo-Narugo remain in ruins?"
Kogri-Nargri (F-10): "Nice taru meet you! My name is Kogri-Nargri. I just started working for Chamama!
20 years ago, there was a terrible fire that burned the Rarab Tail's roof right off. I'm glad I wasn'taru around when that happened!"
Koowawa (E-9): "Let kids be kids is what I say. Even if they're mischievous and hate to study, it's fine, so long as they are sound and well.
Though it wouldn't hurt for them to master a few magical techniques, just in case the Yagudo Theomilitary decideds to bear their beaks like they did twenty years ago..."
Pia (I-7): "These strange plants that glow in the dark? They say that they make them in the Rhinostery.
How do you make plants that glow? Windurst is truly a land of wonders. Why, I heard rumors that during the Crystal War, the ministry spent a great deal of federation funding on queer biotechnological experiments such as the developement of sleep-inducing fruit and vegetables that would not spoil for years."
Yomotsutsu (H-8): "With all the powers that the elite sholars of Windurst have, you'd think we could repair the Horutoto Ruins right away. The engineering skills of the ancients must be more complicated than we think. It's most disappointing-wointing.
But speaking of scholars, I wonder what happened to all the combat scholars that made up a large portion of the Federation's ranks during the Crystal War. It was rumored that there were more than a handful of suspicious characters among them."
Windurst Woods
Seno Zarhin (G-10): "Whenever you look around Windurst Woods you see Mithra, rrright? But just until a few decades ago, this wole arrrea was full of Tarutaru.
That was until the warrr years when the Mithran chieftainness, Perih Vashai, came across the seas from the Mithran homeland with her arrrmy of fighters."
Zahsa Syalmhaia (H-11): "I am Zahsa Syalmhaia. captain of the mercenaries in charge of defending East Sarutabaruta.
And now, a question for you, adventurer--might you know the reason why Windurst's Mithran population is concentrated in the Woods district?
Hmph! Then I shall enlighted you.
The area was given to us as a reward for our exceptional performance during the Great War!"
Port Windurst
Goltata (E-7): "The Great War of twenty years ago was a woeful tragedy. So many brilliant warriors of the Orastery's War Warlocks were felled.
Too much is lost in times of warfare. Even if true peace, the most precious thing of all, is gained..."
Papo-Hopo (G-5): "I've done some digging on our Mr. Honoi-Gomoi. He's always saying tewwible things, but actually he seems wike a weally nice guy.
I found out dat during the Gweat War, he helped pay for twansporting suppwies and for webuilding Windurst."
Upper Jueno
Laityn (G-9): "Ah, standing here in Jeuno brings back memories...
Twenty years ago, I worked in this very town with scientists from all over the world. We were trying to solve the hunger problem that plagued Vana'diel."
Tavnazian Safehold
Calengeard (H-6): "Sometimes at night, I still see visions of the battlefield I stood on twenty years ago. The cold eyes of the Kindred as they searched the landscape for their next victim...
I remember hearing tales of how the Shadow Lord called up these bloodthirsty beasts from the depths of hell, where their dark leader awaited in slumber..."
- Note: Some may not actually be new dialogue but only seem recently relevant again.