Preserve: Kamihr Drifts

From FFXI Wiki
Preserve: Kamihr Drifts
Coalition Peacekeepers' Coalition
Rank Magnate
Type Preserve the peace
Zone Kamihr Drifts
Objective Complete a Lair Reive in Kamihr Drifts.
Rewards: EXP/Bayld
IMP x1 IMP x2 IMP x3 Treasure
6000 10800 14400


  • Participate in one Lair Reive in Kamihr Drifts.
    • You may join the reive in the middle of the battle as long as you are present for the final evaluation.
  • Lair Reives can be found at the following locations:
    • (H-7) - 2 Contumacious Ovim and 2 Incensed Lacerewe - Head West out of Bivouac #3 and north once your out of the cave. Keep a close eye on the right wall as you exit and it should curl into a crevice between the rockwalls to the east. Head inside and to your North you'll find the Reive.
    • (H-6), (I-8): 2 Famished Raaz and 2 Frostfang Tiger, Near bivouac #3
    • (H-9), (I-11): Near bivouac #2