Promotion: First Lieutenant

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Promotion: First Lieutenant
Required Fame Aht Urhgan Fame Level: 1
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Salaheem's Sentinels - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (1-10)
Pack Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Title First Lieutenant
Repeatable No
Description Your final term at the Salaheem Officer Academy has begun. Will all the cadets survive until graduation...?
Previous Quest Next Quest
Promotion: Second Lieutenant Promotion: Captain
Complete 25 points worth of Assaults as Second Lieutenant
5 Imperial Gold Pieces

Rhapsodies of Vanadiel

Curio Vendor Moogles will sell the Key Item reward once "Rhapsody in Azure" is obtained from Rhapsodies of Vanadiel.


Trial 1: Logic Puzzle

  • In this task, you will be shown 12 humes; some amount of these humes are actually Qiqirn spies. By using a limited number of queries, you must determine which of the humes are spies.
  • There are 2 types of queries:
    • One will tell you how many spies are in a consecutive set of 4 humes.
    • One will tell you how many spies are in a pair of humes.
  • You must solve 3 puzzles to succeed at this task.
    • First, there are 3 spies and you may ask about 5 sets and 5 pairs.
    • Second, there are 4 spies and you may ask about 5 sets and 4 pairs.
    • Third, there are 5 spies and you may ask about 6 sets and 5 pairs.
  • If you fail, you may retry the following Earth minute for no additional fee.
  • After you succeed, wait for the game day to change and zone.
  • Talk to Abquhbah to start the second trial.

Trial 2: Word substitution

  • In this task, you will be asked several questions in a cipher. You must respond correctly in the cipher language.
  • Language:
Word Subsitution
Aaka You
Aata Chai
Ankii Thank you
Chifaan Different
Churuuk Attention
Dogoog Fail
Dooto Which
Een No
Goog Pass
Haes Yes
Jinrii Training
Keean Okay
Kiichi Instructor
Kolcha Coffee
Konhe Hello
Kosu This
Lakiino Like
Lukiina Dislike
Miil Everyone
Nawaan What
Nooku Drink
Oim Same
Raloosha Ayran
Shidet Cadet
Shooya Revision
Sooto That
Taafu Food
Tachiito Sutlac
Tsuto Next
Una Now
Waami I
Wande Bad
Yonde Good
  • You will be asked 4 questions. The correct answers are:
Haes, Waami lakiino kiichi.
Waami lakiino tachiito!
Waami lakiino Yasmeel.
Waami lakiino kolcha.
  • If you fail, you may retry the following Earth minute for no additional fee.
  • After you succeed, wait a game day and zone.
  • Talk to Abquhbah to start the third trial.

Trial 3: BCG

  • This game is the same as Rock-Paper-Scissors.
    • You and a foe will each choose a critter.
    • Based on the critters chosen, the round will either be a tie, or a win for the player or the foe.
    • In the event of a win, the bomb behind the loser will explode, and the loser will lose points.
      • By default, the loser will lose 1 point for losing a round.
      • In the event of a tied round, the bomb behind each player will grow, increasing the points lost by 1.
      • When the bomb explodes, its size is set to normal and points lost returns to 1.
    • To win, reduce your opponents to 0 points.
  • The three critters are Beetle, Crab, and Ghost.
    • Ghosts defeat Beetles.
    • Beetles defeat Crabs.
    • Crabs defeat Ghosts.
      • It is indisputable that Bhoots (especially Kudagitsune) cannot, in fact, be defeated by anything. The only logical explanation for the fact that they appear to lose to lowly crabs is that the Bhoots used in this cutscene are actually a Crab in disguise.
  • The first opponent you fight, after a lengthy cutscene, is Arcuhbah.
    • He will repeat a simple repeating sequence of the 3 options. For example, if he chooses crab first, his next choice will be beetle or ghost, and his third choice will be the remaining critter. His fourth choice will be the same as his first, fifth the same as his second, and so forth.
  • The second opponent you fight is a team-up of Fubruhn and Ugrihd.
    • These two will tip off what their choice will be based on the emote they use and their current plan.
      • Nod can either be Beetle (plan 1) or Crab (plan 2). If you don't know their current plan, choose Beetle.
      • Laugh can either be Ghost (plan 1) or Beetle (plan 2). If you don't know their current plan, choose Ghost.
      • Psych can either be Crab (plan 1) or Ghost (plan 2). IF you don't know their current plan, choose Crab.
  • The third opponent you fight is the Drill Sergeant.
    • He will use a repeating sequence of 4 choices.
    • Either on every even-numbered round or on every odd-numbered round he will pick the same critter.
    • On the other rounds, he will alternate between the 2 critters he doesn't pick on even-numbered rounds.
    • For example: Crab, Ghost, Beetle, Ghost, repeat.
    • If he falls below 4 points, he will cheat and restore himself to 4 points
    • In order to beat him, bring him to 4 points, tie him three times, and then win once to K.O. him in one shot.
  • The final opponent you fight is Koja Salaheem.
    • The battle will be decided in a single round.
    • Justifiably scared of the undefeatable Bhoot, Koja will always choose Crab.
    • Choose Beetle to defeat Koja.
  • After winning, wait until the game day changes and zone.
  • Talk to Abquhbah between 15:00 and 17:00 game-time to complete the quest.

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