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Location: Bastok Markets - (H-8)
Type: Crafter Point NPC
Description: Deals with selling items for Crafter Points in the Escutcheons quest line.

Involved in Quests

Item Name

Price (gil)


Goldsmithing Kit 25 960
Goldsmithing Kit 45 3,180
Goldsmithing Kit 65 7,110
Goldsmithing Kit 70 8,340
Goldsmithing Kit 75 9,918
Goldsmithing Kit 80 12,108
Goldsmithing Kit 85 15,006
Goldsmithing Kit 90 18,300
Goldsmithing Kit 94 22,590

  • Stock of kits depends on players exchanging the corresponding set to the NPC in exchange for Crafter Points.
    • Stock increases from exchanged sets goes into effect at 10:00 the following vana'diel day.
      • There is a cap of 1,000 kits held by the NPC, but it will accept more sets for Crafter Points regardless.
  • Availability of kits for purchase is tied to your rank in the guild.