
From FFXI Wiki
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WSNM Header.png

WSNMs are a series of quests to unlock a weapon skills for a particular weapon type. For each offensive melee skill in the game, there is a special quested Weapon Skill available. Each quest requires you to "break" a latent effect on a weapon, and then defeat an NM.

  • With the Weapon of Trials equipped in your Main hand, you must fight Extremely Easy Prey or higher mobs, and perform Weapon Skills or close Skillchains to accumulate 300 "Trial Points".
Skillchain Level Trial Points
No Skillchain 1
Level 1 2
Level 2 3
Level 3 5
  • You'll know the latent is broken when the elemental resistances listed on the Weapon of Trials description have disappeared from the elemental resistances in the equipment window. Your elemental resistances are listed underneath your equipped gear grid.
Broken Latent.png
  • Next, trade the Weapon of Trials back to the Quest NPC who gave you the Weapon of Trials. The Quest NPC will give you a Key Item Map to the Annals of Truth and instruct you to go to a specific zone to fight a Notorious Monster.
  • After defeating the Notorious Monster you can return to the Quest NPC who will now unlock your ability to use the Quested Weapon Skill.

As of the February 2019 update[1], Ambuscade Weapons were introduced. With the exception of Marksmanship, these weapons all grant all the jobs which can equip them access to these Weapon Skills. As long as they remain equipped these weapon skills may be used without quest completion. These weapons also grant a damage bonus to these corresponding weapon skills, similar to the hidden damage bonus of Relics or Mythic weapons.

Weapon Skill Weapon Type Unlock Quest Trial Weapon Jobs
Asuran Fists Hand-to-Hand The Walls of Your Mind MNK / PUP
Evisceration Dagger Cloak and Dagger WAR / RDM / THF / BST / BRD / RNG / NIN / COR / DNC
Savage Blade Sword Old Wounds WAR / RDM / PLD / DRK / BLU / COR / RUN
Ground Strike Great Sword Inheritance WAR / PLD / DRK / RUN
Decimation Axe Axe the Competition WAR / DRK / BST / RNG / RUN
Steel Cyclone Great Axe The Weight of Your Limits WAR / DRK / RUN
Spiral Hell Scythe Souls in Shadow WAR / DRK / BST
Impulse Drive Polearm Methods Create Madness WAR / SAM / DRG
Blade: Ku Katana Bugi Soden NIN
Tachi: Kasha Great Katana The Potential Within SAM
Black Halo Club Orastery Woes WAR / MNK / WHM / BLM / PLD / SMN / BLU / SCH / GEO
Retribution Staff Blood and Glory WAR / MNK / WHM / BLM / PLD / BRD / DRG / SMN / SCH / GEO
Empyreal Arrow Archery From Saplings Grow RNG
Detonator Marksmanship Shoot First, Ask Questions Later RNG / COR