Category:Rem's Tale

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Rem's Tale Ch.1 icon.png Rem's Tale Chapters are used in the creation of Reforged Armor ( ilvl 109 (NQ) and 119 (+1) ) for all jobs.

Chapters may also be purchased from the following Records of Eminence NPCs.

  • This is not an efficient way to obtain large quantities of these though as any players may gain these from the above battles at various difficulties based on the strength of the player.
  • Grouping up and defeating the battle on Normal difficulty is much more rewarding for players than acquiring enough sparks to buy dozens or hundreds of these chapters.
  • New players are better off NPCing items bought with sparks for gil or using them for guild point items if they craft as they are commonly requested across most guilds.

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Eternal Flame Western Adoulin - (H-11) Chapters 1-5 cost 7,500 Sparks Of Eminence each
Chapters 6-10 cost 15,000 Sparks Of Eminence each
Isakoth Bastok Markets - (E-11) Chapters 1-5 cost 7,500 Sparks Of Eminence each
Chapters 6-10 cost 15,000 Sparks Of Eminence each
Rolandienne Southern San d'Oria - (G-10) Chapters 1-5 cost 7,500 Sparks Of Eminence each
Chapters 6-10 cost 15,000 Sparks Of Eminence each
Fhelm Jobeizat Windurst Woods - (J-10) Chapters 1-5 cost 7,500 Sparks Of Eminence each
Chapters 6-10 cost 15,000 Sparks Of Eminence each

Pages in category "Rem's Tale"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.