Category:High-Tier Mission Battlefields

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HTMBF Header.png

High-Tier Mission Battlefields bring back nostalgic enemies with newfound strength to challenge the most experienced players. In order to engage these foes, a Key Item key item purchased with Merit Points is required by each party member to enter the battlefield. Eligibility for this requires the original canonical content be completed. Rem's Tales, highly valuable materials, and powerful unique weapons and armors await the successful adventurer.

Key Item Sales

The following three NPCs sell the key items to enter the battlefields, one in each nation. Before you are allowed to buy the key item to enter the high level battlefield, you must meet the following requirements.

  • Must be level 95 or higher
  • Must have completed the lower level version of the battlefield
    • Note: More precise eligibility requirements for each battlefield can be found on each of the Phantom Gem key item pages.
Trisvain in Northern San d'Oria (J-7)


Raving Opossum in Port Bastok (J-11)

Raving Opossum.jpg

Mimble-Pimble in Port Windurst (L-5)



Initially, players are only able to choose Very Easy, Easy or Normal difficulties while entering into a battlefield for the first time.
After winning your first battle on these difficulties, you are then able to choose Difficult or Very Difficult the next time you enter the fight.

  • Note that if a fellow party member has already initialized the fight, the battlefield will still be set to the difficulty chosen by the first party member to enter regardless of what you choose. This includes whether or not you have a higher difficulty unlocked or not.


Unique Titles are rewarded to players when they triumph over a battlefield on Very Difficult. These titles are listed below with the other battlefield information.


Reforged Armor Rem's Tale Ch.1 icon.png Rem's Tale chapters and Item Level upgrade materials for Relic Weapons (Pluton icon.png Plutons), Empyrean Weapons (Riftborn Boulder icon.png Riftborn Boulders), and Mythic Weapons (Beitetsu icon.png Beitetsu) are distributed to each party member's personal inventory.

See the table below as an outline for Rem's Tale Chapters and R/E/M Upgrade items (Pluton, Riftborn Boulder, Beitetsu) that distribute into personal inventories upon winning a battlefield.

  • The type of Rem's Tales obtained from each battlefield is outlined in the battlefield section of this page below. These are denoted with the prefix "Direct Drop" to signify that each player who took part in the battlefields receives their own chapters.
  • As well as personal reward distribution, other chapters also appear in the party's treasure pool along with unique weapons and equipment. These items can be received by any party member. Any chapter may appear (Ch.6 thru Ch.10), not only the BCNM exclusive chapter.
    • The only exception to this chapter drop rule are the single fight Ark Angel HTMBs. These fights only drop a specific chapter in both player's personal pools and party treasure pools. Verification Needed

All battlefields except ★Divine Might

Difficulty Content Level Rem's Tale Chapters R/E/M Upgrade Items
Very Easy 113 1 0
Easy 116 1 1
Normal 119 2 1
Difficult Over 119 3 2
Very Difficult Over 119 4 2

★Divine Might Only

Difficulty Content Level Rem's Tale Chapters R/E/M Upgrade Items
Very Easy 113 2 0
Easy 116 2 2
Normal 119 4 2
Difficult Over 119 6 4
Very Difficult Over 119 8 4

Other Rewards

Drop rates for unique Rare/Exclusive rewards obtained as well as other rewards (E.g. Scrolls and upgrade materials) through these battles increase with the BCNM difficulty setting.

  • At Very Easy, Easy, and Normal difficulties, the drop rate for unique Rare/Exclusive items should be very roughly around 10% before Treasure Hunter. There is no data to support this drop rate, however.
  • At Difficult and Very Difficult, one item is guaranteed to drop. A second item has a very high probability.
  • Treasure Hunter will have a noticeable impact on drops for Very Easy, Easy, and Normal while having no effect for Difficult and Very Difficult.
    • Below Normal, drops are significantly rarer. Expect to go through dozens of fights with no rare/ex drops below Normal difficulty, especially without Treasure Hunter.
  • New High-Tier Mission BCNMs do not follow these rules. Rare/Exclusive drops are not guaranteed on Difficult or Very Difficult.

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There is one type of campaign that may run any given month.

High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign


Below is a full list of all High-Tier Mission Battlefields in the game, as well as potential drops from each.

Rise of the Zilart

Name Battlefield Details Unique Materials Weapons Armor
★The Shadow Lord Battle

Opponent Details: Shadow Lord

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.7
Entry KI: Shadow Lord phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Brilliance Manifest
Home Point: Valdeaunia > Castle Zvahl Keep (#1)


Special Event Drops:
★Return to Delkfutt's Tower

Opponent Details: Kam'lanaut

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6
Entry KI: Stellar Fulcrum phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Quieter of Ancient Thoughts
Home Point: Qufim > Upper Delkfutt's Tower (#1)


Special Event Drops:
★Ark Angels (1)

Opponent Details: Ark Angel HM

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6
Entry KI: Phantom Gem of Apathy
Merit Cost: 15
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ark Hume Humiliator
Home Point: Tu'Lia > Ru'Aun Gardens (#1)

★Ark Angels (2)

Opponent Details: Ark Angel TT

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.10
Entry KI: Phantom Gem of Cowardice
Merit Cost: 15
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ark Tarutaru Trouncer
Home Point: Tu'Lia > Ru'Aun Gardens (#2)

★Ark Angels (3)

Opponent Details: Ark Angel MR

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.8
Entry KI: Phantom Gem of Envy
Merit Cost: 15
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ark Mithra Maligner
Home Point: Tu'Lia > Ru'Aun Gardens (#3)

★Ark Angels (4)

Opponent Details: Ark Angel EV

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.7
Entry KI: Phantom Gem of Arrogance
Merit Cost: 15
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ark Elvaan Eviscerator
Home Point: Tu'Lia > Ru'Aun Gardens (#4)

★Ark Angels (5)

Opponent Details: Ark Angel GK

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.9
Entry KI: Phantom Gem of Rage
Merit Cost: 15
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ark Galka Gouger
Home Point: Tu'Lia > Ru'Aun Gardens (#5)

★Divine Might

Opponent Details: Divine Might II

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6-10
Entry KI: Pentacide Perpetrator Phantom Gem
Merit Cost: 20
Limit: 18 Players, 30 Min
Title: Pentarch Pacifier
Home Point: Tu'Lia > Ru'Aun Gardens (Any)

★The Celestial Nexus

Opponent Details: Eald'narche

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.7
Entry KI: Celestial Nexus phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Dream Distiller
Home Point: Tu'Lia > The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (#1)


Chains of Promathia

Name Battlefield Details Unique Materials Weapons Armor
★The Savage

Opponent Details: Ouryu

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.8
Entry KI: Savage's phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ouryu Obfuscator
Home Point: Tavnazian Arch. > Riv. - Site #B01 (#1)

★Head Wind

Opponent Details:
Shikaree X, Shikaree Y, and Shikaree Z

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10
Entry KI: Head Wind phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Sin Purger
Home Point: Aragoneu > Attohwa Chasm (#1)

★One to be Feared

Opponent Details: Omega & Ultima

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.10
Entry KI: Feared One phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Conquerer of Fear
Home Point: Tavnazia > Tavnazian Safehold (#2)

★The Warrior's Path

Opponent Details: Tenzen

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.9
Entry KI: Warrior's Path phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Unwavering Blaze
Home Point: Tavnazia > Tavnazian Safehold (#2)


Opponent Details: Promathia

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.9
Entry KI: Dawn phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Dawn's Delight
Home Point: Lumoria > The Garden of Ru'Hmet (#1) (Take the elevator down.)


Treasures of Aht Urghan

Name Battlefield Details Unique Materials Weapons Armor
★Puppet in Peril

Opponent Details: Lancelord Gaheel Ja

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.10
Entry KI: Puppet in Peril phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Lancelord Divester
Home Point: W. Aht Urhgan > Bhaflau Thickets (#1)

★Legacy of the Lost

Opponent Details: Gessho

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6
Entry KI: Legacy phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Gessho Pinioner
Home Point: Arrapago Is. > Caedarva Mire (#1)
Enter at Rock Slab in Talacca Cove, (F-6)


Wings of the Goddess

Name Battlefield Details Unique Materials Weapons Armor
★Maiden of the Dusk

Opponent Details: Lilith

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6,Ch.7,Ch.8,Ch.9,Ch.10
Entry KI: Maiden phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Lilith Liquidator
Home Point: Zulkheim > Selbina (#1)
Enter at Veridical Conflux, (H-7)

  • None
A note on drops

An added gimmick was implemented in this battlefield compared to the other new battlefields, such as Champion of the Dawn II, because of the higher amount of gear that is obtainable from this BCNM.
For Normal, Difficult and Very Difficult, another equipment drop slot opens in the treasure pool for every one of the spitewardens that are killed during the battle.
Opening armor slots in the treasure pool does not guarantee a piece of armor will drop, but the overall chance of a drops increases. See the official forum post for further details.


Name Battlefield Details Unique Materials Weapons Armor
★The Wyrm God
The Wyrm God HTMB.jpg

Opponent Details: Shinryu

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6,Ch.7,Ch.8,Ch.9,Ch.10
Entry KI: Wyrm God phantom gem
Merit Cost: 30
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Draconic Interloper
Home Point: Qufim Island > Qufim Island (#1)
Enter at Transcendental Radiance, (F-7)

  • None

Avatar Prime Fights

Name Battlefield Details Unique Materials Weapons Armor
★Trial by Fire
Ifrit Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Ifrit Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.9
Entry KI: Avatar phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Blaze Marshaller
Home Point: Elshimo Up. > Ifrit's Cauldron (#1)

★Trial by Ice
Shiva Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Shiva Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.10
Entry KI: Avatar phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Penitentes Blaster
Home Point: Fauregandi > Fei'Yin (#2)

★Trial by Wind
Garuda Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Garuda Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6
Entry KI: Avatar phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Sirocco Tamer
Home Point: Vollbow > Cape Teriggan (#1)

★Trial by Earth
Titan Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Titan Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.8
Entry KI: Avatar phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Lithosphere Annihilator
Home Point: Kuzotz > Quicksand Caves (#2)

★Trial by Lightning
Ramuh Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Ramuh Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.7
Entry KI: Avatar phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Fulmination Disruptor
Home Point: Li'Telor > The Boyahda Tree (#1)

★Trial by Water
Leviathan Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Leviathan Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.9
Entry KI: Avatar phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Bore Repulsor
Home Point: Elshimo Up. > Den of Rancor (#2)

★The Moonlit Path
Fenrir Prime HL.jpg

Opponent Details: Fenrir Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6
Entry KI: Moonlit Path phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Lupine Liquidator
Home Point: Sarutabaruta > Toraimarai Canal (#1)

★Waking the Beast
Carbuncle Prime HL.jpg

Opponent Details: Carbuncle Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.7
Entry KI: Waking the Beast phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Ruby Repulser
Home Point: Sarutabaruta > Toraimarai Canal (#1)

★Waking Dreams
Diabolos Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Diabolos Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.8
Entry KI: Waking Dreams phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Devil's Demise
Home Point: Fauregandi > Pso'Xja (#1)

★Divine Interference
Alexander Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Alexander Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6,Ch.7,Ch.8,Ch.9,Ch.10
Entry KI: Divine phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Alexander Annihilator
Home Point: Zulkheim > Selbina (#1)
Enter at Veridical Conflux, (H-7)

  • None
★A Stygian Pact
Odin Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Odin Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6,Ch.7,Ch.8,Ch.9,Ch.10
Entry KI: Stygian Pact phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Dread Purger
Home Point: Zulkheim > Selbina (#1)
Enter at Veridical Conflux, (H-7)

  • None
★Champion of the Dawn
Cait Sith Prime.jpg

Opponent Details: Cait Sith Prime

Direct Drop: Rem's Tale Ch.6,Ch.7,Ch.8,Ch.9,Ch.10
Entry KI: Champion phantom gem
Merit Cost: 10
Limit: 6 Players, 30 Min
Title: Sidhe Smasher
Home Point: Zulkheim > Selbina (#1)
Enter at Veridical Conflux, (H-7)

  • None