Rending Deluge

From FFXI Wiki
Blue Mage Spell Information
Description Deals water damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Dispel.
Available Level 99
Type Element: Water Magical
MP Cost 118 MP Cast Time 2 seconds
Point Cost 6 Recast Time 35 seconds
Target AoE Range
Stat Bonus VIT +6
Creates Job Trait Magic Defense Bonus
Scroll: File:Rending Deluge (Scroll) description.png
Additional Effects Dispel Duration
Monster Type Aquan Monster Family Craklaw
Spell Mechanics
WSC% 20% STR 20% VIT
fTP 3.5, 2.0dINT
Cumulative Enmity Volatile Enmity


  • This spell's Dispel effect cannot miss.
    • It removes one beneficial dispellable effect.
    • The Dispel effect is non-elemental and works on foes that are normally dispel resistant, similar to Atomos or Osmosis.
    • Can only be blocked by magic immunity effects, such as Spectral Barrier from Magic Pots.

Spell Obtainment

Learned from: Craklaw Blue Magic Skill Required to Learn: 393+
Monster Level Zone Map
Hoary Craklaw 103-104   Foret de Hennetiel Updated marked map foret de hennetiel.jpeg
Craklaw   Sih Gates Updated marked map sih gates map 1.jpeg